Aransas Cty (TX) judge beats daughter for downloading from the Internet (2004 incident)

d) get a vicious whack in herself. Not for the father’s benefit - he wasn’t in the room at the time

According to CNN(Smile Judge, you’re on national news)

e)instead of the 50 whacks to the rest of her body she would have gotten during the same time, she got that one to the butt. Like I said the mother doesn’t deserve a medal but you can see clearly her keeping the belt away from the husband, as though it’s because she also wants to ‘get her lick in’, and I really think it was ( even if subconsciously) because she knew any time she could spend with the belt in her hand instead of him was cooling down time for him.

I’m not justifying it. However, I do wonder what other things he’s tried…and whether there was ANYTHING to prevent her from breaking the law, repeatedly. She did it before. Apparently she intended to do it again.

And I wonder what would have been effective to get her to stop, if she knew damned well that this behavior WOULD get her beaten? Again, should he have just shipped her off to a camp of some sort?

Tell me, what do you think he should have done, that he hadn’t done? What would have stopped her, short of shutting her into a camp?

No, he shouldn’t have beaten her like to that extent. But I know a LOT of kids who would simply shrug off groundings and non-physical discipline. The ONLY thing that affected their behavior was getting physically disciplined. I was lucky enough that my daughter was pretty obedient.

And yes, kids ARE supposed to obey their parents. Some rebellion is healthy and should be expected. But this kid was apparently out of control…and whether she was handicapped or not had nothing to do with her problems. It would be different if she was mentally handicapped, and didn’t understand that she was doing something wrong. But she knew before she did it that she was doing something illegal, but she just didn’t care.

Oh I don’t know…perhaps just removing the computer? :rolleyes:

Lynn, you know a good way to keep kids from downloading crap from the internet, that doesn’t involve beating the fucking crap out of them?

It’s called unplugging the fucking computer.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

My first father physically disciplined us. My mom divorced him when I was six or so. Since then my mom (and later my stepdad) never once hit me. Not ever, not even a little bit.

They yelled a lot at me (I gave them cause to be sure) but they never physically touched me as a matter of discipline.

So sorry but I reject your notions completely. I turned out largely ok (as people go) and never got into any really serious trouble (e.g. with the law or drugs and such). My brothers and sister turned out pretty good as well.


Lynn, do you understand what impression you’re giving? “I’m not justifying it, but that kid had it coming.” That’s what it sounds like.

You know, the “I’m not racist, but…” style of argumentation.

This has (unless I’ve misunderstood what you wrote) permanently changed my opinion of you. I have kids. I don’t physically discipline them, but I do discipline them. They are not out of control and don’t do as they “damn well please.” People of any age can learn that there are negative consequences to bad behaviour without being physically assaulted.

Are you seriously saying that it is not possible to keep kids controlled without physical discipline? Because that’s a totally fucked up idea.

Wow, that is terribly disturbing. The beating is bad enough, but the way he talks to her on top of it is just unbelievable. He does not sound like a father that is concerned about his child. He sounds like he hates her. What a bastard.

I was spanked by my dad for skipping school and he was plenty pissed when he was punishing me, but he sure as hell didn’t talk to me like that or hit me anywhere but my ass.

I am saying that in my experience, there are SOME kids who won’t pay attention to anything less than physical discipline. MOST kids don’t need it. But sometimes, yes, there’s nothing that will get through but a swat on the butt.

I probably wouldn’t have resorted to physically disciplining this girl. I’d probably have sent her to a troubled teen camp, where she was supervised 24/7, no computer access, no shopping, where she could study and that’s about it. I don’t think that unplugging the computer would have stopped her. I think that the man should have tried something like this, rather than beating her. But she was determined to break the law, even though she’s evidently been beaten before.

Yes, you fucking well are, and it’s despicable. There is NEVER any justification for physical discipline for ANYONE. You do know that public floggings are no longer one of the punishments available to judges don’t you?

Take away her computer and/or internet access.

No, no. There is no “but” in this situation.

Wow, you really used the word “but” a lot of times in this post considering you started by saying you weren’t justifying this bastard’s behaviour.

Probably? So you might have?

Well, there’s nothing more I can say at this point.

Summary: “I probably wouldn’t have beaten this girl, but I can certainly understand why he did.”

This is absolutely, demonstrably, inarguably known to be false.

Why do you wonder this? What motivates you to wonder about this?

In many contexts it would be completely relevant and interesting to wonder about this.

In this context, though, it is very difficult to understand why someone would be moved to wonder what you’re wondering without ascribing to them a view that in some sense the girl “had it coming.”

ETA: Do I remember incorrectly that you used to be a moderator here?

I just noticed in the bottom right corner of the screen, starting herein the video, there is a little toddler in there witnessing all of this. He sent her out of the room by the time the link in the OP starts, but obviously she remained within earshot of all the screaming and belt slapping the entire time. That is probably worse abuse than the physical abuse to the older daughter and the only explanation she probably ever got to ease her mind is “don’t piss Daddy off”. I wonder who turned off the lights when the beating began, and why.

Lynn, you’ve got a serious problem here.

Earlier you specified that “usually” kids who aren’t physically disciplined will be out of control.

Here you say this doesn’t apply to “most” kids.

You’re backpedaling, whether intentionally or no. The things you’re typing are not motivated by a concern for facts. Something else is going on here.

Which makes sense. There’s a similar extension on the SOL for child sexual abuse in most states, as well. The idea is that a minor can’t be expected to report this kind of abuse while they’re in the throes of it.

ESPECIALLY for a case like this, where her father is a fucking judge. She had good reason to expect that reporting it at the time would just result in more pain for her, and that he’d try to engineer a cover-up as a member of the good-ol-boys’ club.

I’m going to leave aside the fact that the transgression we are discussing is a little file sharing of mp3’s and beta games and just focus on this nugget.

  1. What experience? Please be exact. I have never been beaten in a manner even approaching that and I’m just fine. I do not know of anyone who NEEDS that type of lesson.

  2. 16 is not a child, it is a young adult perfectly capable of being reasoned with. Since it is fairly obvious that dad thinks that computer is a magical evil box powered by demons, it should be fairly easy for him to remove it from the home. Problem solved, no beatings required.

  3. That aside completely, in what situations do you determine it appropriate to physically assault a young adult minor in your care? Most of us know that a swat on the ass is something you do to a three year old throwing a tantrum, or a defiant five year old endangering him or herself. Do you really, honestly believe it is perfectly fine to throw your fists about on someone until the moment they turn 18?