So you can't wish death on someone in the pit...

…and I have never interacted with Lynn Bodoni in any way, but figure that I would just lend her a bit of my support dealing with whack-job assholes who are awful tough with a PC in front of them but useless pussies in real life who flinch away and cry and scream and wail when you put a real hurtin’ on them.

Since I can’t wish death on someone in the Pit, can I at least wish James Falconer gets butt-raped by his future cellmate as he gets swastikas branded on his ass? Him and every other fuck-stain who sits behind their keyboard issuing threats and making stupid insulting noises without justification or reason, just to try to bring us all down to their idiotic level and please some knee-jerk asshole reflex.

And what the fuck is it with the growing number of idiots spewing forth total smegma for a few seconds then getting banned? Those idiots seem to forget, this is not a free place, and it seems like an awful stupid way to loose $15 to me…

So you little jackasses can bring it on! I fucking hate you all, and laugh every time you little fuck puppets get banned!

We adopted the policy some time ago that insults are one thing, but death-threats are something quite else. Some things fall in the middle, like death wishes, and we’re generally ruling more strictly against them nowadays. Frankly, there’s too many real-life loonies, suicide bombers, murders over pocket change, and such-like for us to be comfortable with death wishes.

The jerks who make a quick obnoxious appearance and get banned real fast usually don’t pay the $15, sadly enough. And they’re usually people who were banned already, returning to stick out their tongues and say “Fuck you” to the Boards. Hence, their return appearances get disappeared after their second identity gets banned.

Sadly, prohibiting such incidents have some of the Moderators arguing that there shouldn’t be a free trial period, that there should be some charge up front. That would stop a lot of the jerks. Unfortunately, it would probably also dry up the source of new members. Sigh.

Hey, thanks for that… I do know (and understand) the rule but just wanted to rant a bit… seems like the boards have been getting a bit dummer recently…

[moderator brownnose]
Just to clarify - the influx (or departure, as you say) is the cause of some of the idiocy, not the moderators. In fact, the reason I paid up the cash after months of lurking was that this board seemed like such a nice place for reasoned debate, a place that’s funny as hell, and a place that still allows the occasional rant (reasoned or not).
[/moderator brownnose]

And I think it’s a good idea to not allow anyone to post until they pay a fee; allow watching and viewing and everything else, just don’t let 'em say a word…

Adds name to message of support for Lynn Bodoni.

That last pair of death threat posts was particularly offensive. I hope the Reader and Lynn are considering a report to law enforcement authorities.

What is this in reference to?

Seems the posts are gone, but some jackass put two death-threat posts up on the Pit about one of the moderators…

Pissed me off enough I really wanted to tear someone a new asshole, so here 'tis…

Death threats against our very own Lynn? Say it ain’t so!

(BTW, where does wishing for the death penalty, or the death of say, Osama Bin Laden fall?)

Check here…link

So I was on late last night, and I saw the aforementioned posts by the piece of shit wrapped in skin james falconer. Disturbing posts, indeed. But, given that the stuff was posted at about 1 or 2 a.m. last night, it was probably posted from his own computer.

One other thing. When I was reading the posts, I remember one poster said there weren’t any moderators online at the moment. Five minutes later, both of the threads were locked and Mr. Creep-O was banned. Praise the Mods!

For anyone who truly truly deeply madly wants to see the OPs in question, email me (my sadpunk gmail account). I have saved screenshots of the OPs sans reply - figured that sort of thing happened once in a blue moon and the odds of seeing another before a mod/admin closed things out was pretty low. These threads were both posted early AM/late night, so most of the US dopers probably didn’t see them.

There are plenty of places where one can access a school (university, largely) computer at 2 AM. One place where I used to go had at least one 24-hour lab. Additionally, if this individual wasn’t American, the time of day would be less relevant.

The person you’re thinking about who noted that no mods were yet online was Rilchiam, if memory serves. I was just about to post that I thought someone would be along in a few minutes, but then Netscape crashed and I called it a night.

I logged on very early this morning(USA) and I saw the two threads after they were locked, but before they were deleted. I was surprised they hadn’t been deleted out of hand, they were that hateful and disturbing. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Here’s 1,355 posts the board would never have seen had that been in effect a year and 2 weeks ago. :wink: Not out of any objection to having to pay, but many people are reluctant to pay for this kind of thing without trying it out first.

I saw both threads this morning, after they were closed but before they were disappeared. Disturbing and infuriating, to say the least. I’d definitely vote for having the jerk tracked down and prosecuted or at least having the threat shaken at him.

Um, well, actually, I’d vote for having the jerk dragged screaming from his home, flung naked into stocks, showered with pigshit, whipped with a scourge from The Passion, rolled in salt, staked out over a fire ant nest, and shown The Comfy Chair[sup]TM[/sup] while being strapped into an Iron Maiden in the middle of the Sahara.

But then, I might be overreacting a bit.

Lynn, here’s some virtual chocolates to cheer you up!

They likely had to wait on an administrator to delete the threads. I hope Lynn is okay emotionally, and I’m sure she is. She’s a strong person. We all love her, and woe to any dick-face that would seek to do her harm.

Lynn, I emailed you last night but neglected to put an entry in the subject column, so I don’t know if you’ll bother opening it. If you see an email from jimd3500, that was me. I hope you’re okay. You are very highly thought of here, even by those of us you never hear from…such as me.

I’m vey glad that someone was able to bring this disturbing incident to the attention of a moderator in a timely fashion (I made a search through all of the mods on the board, trying to find one online, even if they weren’t assigned to the Pit). Some kind of record for a ratio of views/“report this message” activation, anyway, I’d imagine.

I am curious to learn whether an investigation would reveal the ease or difficulty of tracking down the actual perpetrator. While I’d like to see it happen (and personally funding such an investigation just landed on the top of my “Things To Do When I Win The Lottery” list), I’m concerned about the impact the effort would have on the Reader’s judgement vis a vis the question: “Is the SDMB worth the bother?”

I missed the posts. I was sleeping. It’s probably not possible to trace now, or at least I don’t know how, but isn’t the making of death threats a crime? One of the problems with the internet is, you never know what sort of nut case will wander in.