Remind me not to ever defend someone in the Pit again. God forbid I should intervene and post in the defense of someone who I thought was being unfairly maligned, when the whole of their post was very civil and didn’t look to be trying to be insulting in the least. Of course, it shouldn’t surprise me, it seems to happen a lot here - if Person A speaks up for Person B, then more often than not Person A gets a nice big homing target sign painted on their chest so the attacks start transferring to them. Feh.
What the fuck are you talkin’ about, Willi–* I mean, Micro?
To what are you refering? Could you post a link?
The thread in question is the thread regarding the banner in memory of Wally - here.
And for the record, Micro, the problem with the thread was not the OP (besides the fact it was in the wrong forum). The problem is the fact that wolf did not acknowledge anyone’s advice in subsequent posts. Shayna said it best…
The completely agree here. I don’t see why you can’t.
This IS the PIT!
Hey Furby, (misspell intended)
First off, look, it’s just commong sense. Don’t touch the burning guy! When somebody’s getting flamed step back and enjoy the fire.
Two, you want justice? Get outta the fucking pit.
Three, it’s like I said in the thread, people’s nerves are still raw on this subject. People keep saying, “I loved the man, I didn’t know him. But I read his posts and I liked it a lot.” You stop there, you sound sweet. Keep going, and you’ll have a problem. It’s like when you’re at a funeral and you say “I liked him a lot. But that poem you wrote to him really sucked ass.” Not smart. Even if you have problems with the banner, it’s only going to be there for two weeks. Deal With It. You may think you feel bad about him dying, but I can guarantee that they feel much worse. It’s still a very sensitive topic. Just have some fucking tact, man. Don’t be stupid. The first thing you learn is not to feed the trolls. The second thing you learn is not to provoke the giants. Because they WILL squash you.
Four, even though it’s nice to be the heroic man who stands up for the little guy, sometimes the little guy deserves everything he gets.
Five, don’t expect delicate treatment. This is the pit. Ya fuckin mook.
Possibly because he’s allowed to read for himself and come up with his own conclusions?
Hey Freak,
I think you were including me in that group, and I want you to know how flattered I am by that.
And if you didn’t mean that, well, just humor me and let me have my little fantasy, k? Or better yet, since this is The Pit, if you didn’t mean me, then fuck you, :wally.
Shayna, you are a giant among the giants.
Micro, defending someone isn’t a problem–though doing it in the Pit ratchets up the btu’s quite a bit.
Wolf made a simple mistake, and apologized for it. He had a legitimate concern, but just put it in the wrong fora and thread. Hey, it’s not a hanging offense; we’ve all done it: get interested in a thread, even it wanders a bit from the original intent of the OP. This place has raised thread-drift to an art form.
In fact, Wolf very specifically said that he respected Wally and wanted the banner to stay. The problem came in when posters provided technical answers to him anyway (a discussion more suited to ATMB) but he kept insisting otherwise.
That’s all. It just wasn’t the time or the place for it.
FWIW, the only way we have to know one another here is by our words. There really isn’t a clique of “insiders” hugging their seniority and post counts. A lot of very new posters became valued voices straight outta the chute, not because they sucked up to any mythical cabal of insiders. (Being the Pit, shit, this group couldn’t agree the sun rises in the east!) They just used basic Netiquette first.
That road also runs two ways; Handy’s cheap shot is truly inexusable. He’s a longtimer, so his nasty little interjection can only be viewed as deliberately spewing bile.
But until someone posts enough for other people to figure out where they’re coming from, all we have to go on is what they write, word for word. In this case, it caused a brawl at a funeral (great analogy, btw!).
It wasn’t http://www.II or nuclear winter; it was just a misunderstanding. Mistakes happen; shrug; shake hands; go on.
Sorry for the blooper in that last line; messed up on abbreviating World War Three.
And I also misspelled “inexcusable”.
Quoting the OP, Sheesh! Gotta start using the Preview Reply feature…
I think I remember that thread.
Hear! Hear! Well said, Euty.
Now, since I don’t want this to be a “me too” suck-up post, and I don’t really have anybody to flame here, I’ll throw out some “intentional misspellings” of my username in case FreakFreely feels the urge:[ul][]xenoshit41[]xenophone[]xenoputz (my favorite)[]xenocrap[]xylophone[]XFiles41[]xenopoop[]xeno-peeuw[]stinkophon[]creepafon41<insert juvenile name calling here>[/ul]
Y’know, I said my piece on this yesterday here.
Don’t you DARE bring blando back up! ARGH!
FWIW, the only way we have to know one another here is by our words. There really isn’t a clique of “insiders” hugging their seniority and post counts. A lot of very new posters became valued voices straight outta the chute, not because they sucked up to any mythical cabal of insiders.
Then why the HELLL have I been doing ChiefScott’s laundry for the past fucking month?!!??? That sonofabitch!!!
Then why the HELLL have I been doing ChiefScott’s laundry for the past fucking month?!!??? That sonofabitch!!!
Perhaps I spoke hastily…Chief Scott does not need you to do his laundry! He has swabbies or grunts or something for that.
I, however, have 4 loads waiting downstairs. Careful with the cold water delicate stuff.
Why was I never informed of this particular scam…er, requirement? Does it include car washing and lawn mowing?
Since I was away the last 2 days, and since the other thread is closed, let me say it here.
Sit back folks, and take a deep breath. The last few days have been hard on all of us. Wolfthingie and the OP here both asked questions that were legitimate. They added the necessary caveats, and weren’t insulting. Sure, the wrong forum. Like that’s important.
People got a bit pissed, curses and insults flew across, newbies got upset, weirddave posted the rant-of-the-week, handy acted like an ass (since he WAS aware of the delicacy of the matter), Techie got pissed, Shayna ranted a lot… etc.
Let it go for this once. It’s not worth the energy, since the intention was probably innocent. And even if it wasn’t, I for one am in no mood to be a trollhunter 24/7.
I will be again in a few weeks though. Don’t get your hopes up, kids
Thanks Euty, and Coldfire. But as to SPOOFE - who the hell is Will*? My posting name, as you might notice, has been around for a rather long time, and insinuations of sockpuppetry aren’t particularly enjoyed. Ah well, kinda expected with my low post count…
It was a joke Micro, not an insinuation of sock puppetry
I think he meant it as a reference to “Different Strokes” but I could be wrong