An update on my feral cat. :-)

Great news. After being turned down by two local cat rescue organizations, I finally found a really nice foster mom for Zoey. I posted earlier this week about my plight with this cat.

I’m taking the cat in for a new patient evaluation this coming Tuesday and she’ll go back for her spaying a day or two later. When I pick her up after the surgery, I will take her directly to her new foster mothers house. :slight_smile: I’m so happy. I get a really good vibe from this lady, she is a very sincere volunteer for this local cat rescue organization. And she promised me that Zoey would never be cold or hungry again.


It sounds like that cat just hit the kitty-lottery!

Good for you! I’m so happy a life was saved!

I’m glad too. I’ll miss her a lot though… :frowning:

Yay for you! And for Zoey. :slight_smile:
Gotta love crazy cat (foster) ladies!

Yay! I’m glad to hear that. I would like to foster cats, but unfortunately my husband’s cat allergies are worst when he’s around new cats, so that’s pretty much out for us.

does a happy dance

I’m glad you decided to find a home for the kitty. Most likely the cat will have a much happier and longer life because you decided to get her off the streets.
If you like cats but can’t own one, maybe you can look into doing some kind of volunteer work with this rescue agency? A lot of these places like having people help with small things like transporting the cats or socializing with cats at the shelter (if they have a shelter). Just thought I’d suggest that because it sounds like you are an animal lover.

I just read your first thread about kitty. I was going to jump on the “have her fixed right away” train, but I see that you have found a place for her.

Thank you so much for caring for that lil lady. Now, as to the mama…you need to have her fixed as well. Your HS will probably loan/rent you a trap. If mama is too feral to be adopted, have her tested and fixed. Sadly, the testing will probably be a death sentence. Better a clean death than suffering from FIV or FeLV.

You are a good person and I want to thank you.