Man attacked by own tie -- in what comedy movie?

I just remember a tiny snippet of a movie in which a man has to wear a tie and is seemingly attacked and nearly strangled by it, just getting it off in the nick of time.

Seems kinda Top Secret! or Airplane, but I’m pretty sure it was not from either one.

Any ideas?

The only thing that comes to mind is Arsenio Hall in “Amazon Women on the Moon” getting his tie caught in the garbage disposal in his sink.

I think the gag was essentially that neckties are an abomination that have no function but to choke the wearer, if it helps.

There was a character in The World According To Garp (the book, anyway; I don’t think he made it into the movie) who was born without shin-bones. He had to get around by walking on his hands. He was killed when his tie got caught in an escalator on his way to a job interview.

But that’s probably not what you are thinking of.

I don’t know the movie, but that really sounds like something I’ve seen. I’m picturing Michael Keaton.

It’s almost like a Jim Carrey scene in Liar Liar, or another Steve Martin scene in All of Me, but not quite.


Sounds really familiar, and it would have fit right in in Top Secret. Police Squad would be another possibility.

Heck, even Chief Wiggum got his necktie caught in the hot-dog roller at the Kwik-E-Mart.

It got worse before it got better.

It made me think of the gag in The Naked Gun (and Police Squad? I can’t remember) where someone throws a pillow in Drebin’s face and it starts to suffocate him by itself.

Hogarth, that Lt. Drebbin scene has the exact comic tone and frantic feeling of my recollection – so much so that I fear I’m the victim of memory confabulation.

In the absence of anyone coming up with something specifically involving a murderous tie, I’m included to think that scene was it :slight_smile: Thanks for playing, everyone.

---- Just checked this clip of the pillow attack: - YouTube

That’s the (misremembered) scene all right – and although tie may not be helping the pillow, it sure isn’t doing anything to stop it :slight_smile:

Thanks, Hogarth. Say hi to the iron giant for me.

You’re welcome. But I’m still pretty sure I remember a scene where a guy is humourously strangled by his own tie.

Is that one of the things that Jim Carrey does when he’s beating himself up in “Liar, Liar” (as noted by JKellyMap)?

Or maybe it was a movie where a guy couldn’t control his own hands (a la “Evil Dead 2” or, to a lesser extent, “Dr. Strangelove”)?

Could it be the Red Dwarf scene where he is humourosly choked by his own boxers?

When he was on SNL, Dan Ackroyd has a character named Irwin Mainway, who made insanely dangerous children’s toys, and offered incredible weak defenses of his product while being grilled by Candice Bergen. While defending (IIRC) his “Johnny Human Torch” Halloween costume (a bag of gasoline soaked rags with a lighter), he argued that his costume was no more dangerous than any other item of clothing, which he attempted to demonstrate by showing how a man driving in a convertible could choke to death on his own tie.

There’s a scene in one of the Pink Panther movies where Clouseau is performing a strip tease and gets tangled up in his neck tie, then his shirt. Could that be it?


I imagine that would have been Jane Curtin, wouldn’t it?

You’re right. They did do a Irwin Mainway sketch with Candice Bergen (cite), but the one I was thinking of was with Jane Curtain.