Late October 2012 Botticelli

Your letter is W

IQ1: Was your most famous work considered not obscene by a state supreme court in the mid-60’s?
IQ2: Are you best known for your paintings of the Maine coastline?
IQ3: Were you most famously portrayed by House?


I’m not Andy Warhol (?)
I’m not Andrew Wyeth
I’m not Watson

DQ if you weren’t thinking Warhol

IQ1: William S Burroughs, Jr - beat author
IQ2: I was thinking Winslow Homer, but Wyeth works
IQ3: Hugh Laurie also played Bertie Wooster

DQ1: Are you male?

Not male

IQ1: Are you a gravel-voiced singer-songwriter?

IQ2: Are you a musical collaborator of Berthold Brecht’s?

IQ3: Are you a contemporary ‘Classical’ composer who was shot by accident by an American soldier near the end of World War II?

Ministre-3 DQs!

IQ1: Did you remind people not to compress their toilet paper?
IQ2: Did Kevin Arnold have a long-time crush on you?
IQ3: Did you describe a late night talk show host as “the best friend [your] music ever had?”

Enginerd’s turn to amaze me! I am Winnie Cooper!

Heh. Better to be lucky than good! :smiley:

I’m headed out in a few minutes, but Ill start a new round later tonight.

OK, our new letter is S.

Wow - good job, Enginerd! For which question was Cooper the answer?


Did you once play Ahnuld’s conniving wife?
Did you play a hard-drinking, no-nonsense grandma in a recent movie?
Did you call a time-out on a foe’s wedding night?

IQ: Are you a pioneering Greek writer?

These were Mr. Whipple (“don’t squeeze the Charmin”), Winnie Cooper of The Wonder Years, and Warren Zevon (speaking of David Letterman).

I’m not Sharon Stone (from Total Recall). Take DQs for the other two (although the third looks awfully familiar, and I think Ill kick myself when I see the answer).

I’m not Sophocles.

So for which question was Cooper the answer?

Yes, Sharon Stone.
Susan Sarandon in The Lovely Bones.
Saladin, during the Crusades.




Are you the youngest (and IMHO hawtest) of the three Crawley sisters?
Were you appointed to a top job by a President of one party, but promoted by a President of another?
Were you a top carrier admiral of WWII?

IQ: Were you a Wyoming Senator who worked to reduce the deficit?

EH-Winnie was Kevin Arnold’s crush.

Ah, yes. The Wonder Years. Thanks.

The letter S. I am:

  1. Male
  2. Not real

I know the first is about Downtown Abbey, but that’s as far as I get for #1, and I just have WAGs for the other two. I’m not David Souter or Ray Spruance. Take as any DQs as you’ve earned.

I’m not Alan Simpson.

IQ: Was the actor best known for playing you paralyzed in an equestrian accident?