Sorry about the delay. I didn’t realize the Prof handed the new thread off to me.
For Valentine’s Day, we will be W.
Sorry about the delay. I didn’t realize the Prof handed the new thread off to me.
For Valentine’s Day, we will be W.
Sorry, I guess I should have been clearer.
It wasn’t that you weren’t clear. I didn’t even read the rest of the thread after you won and just waited for you to open a new one.
3 DQs 4 U
IQ1: Is your real given name Jimmy, though you are sometimes referred to as Jimbo?
IQ2: Were you a governor of Alabama who made notable but unsuccessful runs for president?
IQ3: Are you alone on a post-apocalyptic Earth until a probe lands, after which you hitch a ride on the probe back to the ship that sent it?
DQ roundup
dunno, not George Wallace, dunno
not Grant Wood, dunno, not James West
Correct on 1 and 3.
#2 was the Witch of Endor (no other name given).
DQ: Best known from a movie or movies?
DQ roundup
Jimmy Wales (co-founder of Wikipedia), correct, and WALL-E.
DQ1: Protagonist?
holding one DQ.
Were you the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence?
Did George Orwell insist you were no Nazi?
Were you a Chicago female detective with a non-WASPy name?
DQ roundup
dunno, not Richard Wagner, not P.I. Warchowski (sp?)
Not Robert Wagner, not Robin Williams, dunno
Correct on #1.
Hook came out around 1990. 25 years isn’t recent. Christopher Walken, OTOH, played the role only a month or two ago on live TV.
#3 was Carolyn Wells.
Previous IQs:
Were you the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence? - Rev. John Witherspoon, also known as an early president of the College of New Jersey (later Princeton U.).
Did George Orwell insist you were no Nazi? - P.G. Wodehouse: P.G. Wodehouse, Nazi sympathizer/collaborationist? - Great Debates - Straight Dope Message Board
Were you a Chicago female detective with a non-WASPy name? - Close; I’ll give it to you. It was V.I. Warshawski.
American character?
considered a beauty?
Did Mark Twain give you a left-handed compliment?
Were you appointed Chief Justice of the United States by a President who was also a “W”?
Were you that President?