Buffalo Bilious and others like him, come on in for a quick word or two

Buffalo Bilious, let’s have a word if you don’t mind. I’d like to address some intellectual difficulties you seem to be having here.


Possibly the stupidest analogy I’ve ever heard on this message board or anywhere else. It was so stupid, all the Home Depots in the world have posted a picture of you with the caption “Moron. Do not allow this man on the premises under any circumstance whatsoever”

You reduce love, attraction, commitment and marriage to the act of oral sex. I would roll my eyes and shake my head, but I understand that to a person of your limited intellect, this sort of comparison/reduction actually makes sense. I pity you.

Ah, the old “I have a black friend so I can’t be racist” defense mixed with “I don’t have a problem with black people as long as they know their place and aren’t all uppity.” Classy. Here’s a pine cone. Why don’t you shove it up your ass a few times, as that activity would be just as productive and entertaining as this quote.

Telling people to get used to being unfairly treated and hated is heartless. You are a monster.

This would be funny if it weren’t so unrelentingly stupid. Oh wait, no. It IS funny BECAUSE it’s so unrelentingly stupid.

I’ll give you a hint here, Jap is offensive too and fits a similar pattern. But Brit doesn’t. Inconceivable, isn’t it? Language sure is a bitch sometimes. Get fucking used to it, you shit stain.

Of course you’re not actually making a semantic argument. You’re just enjoying calling people homos. I wonder what your gay friends would think of you, the ones that don’t clamor for those “special rights.”

Nobody fucking said that LGBT folks should automatically be promoted based on their sexual identities. You’re a grade A moron through and through.

Just when I thought you were about to say something smart! Oh no, no I didn’t. But wow, could you have said anything stupider? The depths of your (lack of) intellect never cease to amaze.

Of course you could bitch about it, and you could successfully sue over it too, if someone fired you or refused to give you a job because you’re Irish. Same should apply to gay folks.

I leave you all with this final quote. He dropped this particularly rank turd in a thread about vaginal vs clitoral orgasm. Obviously you don’t care. You couldn’t care less about what makes other people happy, satisfied, or loved. You care about one thing and one thing only, your own damn self.

So a big hearty middle finger to you, Buffalo Bilious, and all those like you. May a thousand fabulous porcupines crawl up your ass backwards, and may all your inbox be forever filled with spam, preferably from all the gay websites you secretly visit and try to delete ineptly from your history.

sure that isn’t mouthful?

He seems to be trying to raise threadshitting to a high art.

You can tell he’s had enough of hearing about homosexuals by the way he keeps going into threads about homosexuals to talk about homosexuals. Because that’s what people do when they’re bored with a topic – they talk about it whenever they can. He was the fourth person to reply to the “Prevalence of Homosexuality in Russian” thread (with the post quoted above), and as of right now has written nearly a quarter of the replies in the thread (9 out of 37)…despite having neither any information relevant to the OP’s question nor any interest in the subject.

Good solid work in the OP. But you missed one.

Gay people aren’t asking for special rights. What they want are the same rights that everyone else has.

Gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay.
(I’m not, but repulsive bigots kinda make me wish I was.)


I am so going to steal this one…

I give you a 2.5 out of 10. Point by point rebuttal was not the way to go.

“Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

Obviously the Russian judge.

Yeah, no gay propaganda for HIM.

Nor from.

That’s the argument that kills me. “They want special rights!” No asshole, YOU want to take away their rights because you’re insecure and uncomfortable with your own sexuality. Pretty much everyone in the world just wants to have the same rights to be themselves and live their own lives and you and I do.

I’m not gay*, but I’m comfortable in who I am, so I don’t get angry or uncomfortable when people are different from me**.

  • Isn’t really a binary switch. It is more like a spectrum. I’d say that I’m about 85-90% heterosexual. No, I’ve never had a homosexual experience, and I may never. But I don’t run in fear from the thought or lash out at others over it.
    ** Well, unless people are going out of their way to make me uncomfortable. Or clowns. Clowns make me uncomfortable. And mimes. Mimes don’t deserve the same rights as… wait. Let me start again…

You really should post in the Pit more often. :smiley:

I see the cretinous bigot even worked in an Obamacare reference. Nice! Here are a few corrections:

First of all, it’s Romneycare. Obamacare had a public option. That was taken out. What we have left is the plan Romney set up in Massachusetts, the one no major Republican had a problem with in 2008. So methinks 'ol Buffalo sips deep from the vat of crazy. Clearly he’s enamored with the idea of putting insurance companies back in charge, the same dishonest clowns that would yank away coverage as soon as needed cancer treatment, supposedly because you didn’t tell them about your acne. Blue Cross did this.

As for the idea that some full time workers will be shifted to part time, this effect is expected to be small. Meanwhile 30? million gain health insurance, more or less depending upon if you live in an obstructionist red state.

I’m impressed with the work drew put in. I was just going to tell him to eat a bag of dicks.

It’s a clear case of suicide-by-mod in action. Hardly worth more than two sentences of commentary.

drewtwo99, this is probably one of the best pittings I’ve seen on this board. Well done.** Buffalo Bilious** was bugging the shit out of me, too, and thoroughly deserves the roasting you gave him.

But why do we even come here if not for the Straight Dopes?

One of the few times I bet myself “Join Date <this month>” and was wrong. How has this guy lasted here since Feb??? And more of an ATMB question, but… why is this guy still here???

Because because