Doctor Who September 20 2014 "Time Heist"

I have see it already, so I will say nothing other than I really enjoyed it. Curious to see what others think and will be participating in the discussion after it airs.

Certainly this must have aired the UK by now. Any thoughts from folks over there?

I’m having trouble getting it to load on iPlayer right now.

I’ve just seen it. I saw the B&W pre-air screener and found the differences between the two to be interesting. There’s not much I can say without spoilering it. so I’m going to wait until after it airs on the west coast (of the USA).

The only thing I will say is, when I saw the “Next Time” trailer, I laughed and yelled out, “You sadistic bastard!” Not sure if I directed that towards the Doctor or the writer of the episode.

Not a spoiler because obvious, but Moffitt really is scared of Ann Robinson.

Why on earth should he be terrified of a little old lady? Or do you mean AnnE Robinson? :smiley:

D’oh. That should have been two separate paragraphs. To clarify, there was no major difference plot-wise between the leaked script, the leaked PAS and, the episode as aired. Sorry! :smack:

Was there any reference to Missy/Heaven/Promised Land in this episode? If so, where?

Kind of enjoyed it, but was irritated by the mushy sound on the BBCA broadcast.
It’s sometimes hard to hear what Peter Capaldi is saying, with the overlay of effects and music.

Have you heard her scream? I’ve heard her scream many times. The day my wife rediscovered we have that WOTW (we have three, including the C. Thomas Howell/Asylum one, which was better than the Cruise one) she played it three times. “I kept falling asleep at different points.”

Great episode. About 15 minutes in I was thinking that the architect was the bank’s owner, but then once the doctor started describing the architect, I realized that it was him.

By the way, I don’t quite understand who left the briefcases for the team.

And my American ears dealing with the accents don’t help … had to playback a few times to hear what they were saying.

Not sure how much I like this one.

Don’t think so much. It’s one thing when a silly romp doesn’t hold up to thinking to abot it too much, it is not supposed to, but a heist-style ep should be tight and have twists that are both a bit more twisty and that makes it all suddenly fit with a damn-now-that-makes-sense! This doesn’t do that so much.

But maybe I am missing something.

I very well may be wrong, but are we to believe the Doctor returns to the bank later to leave the briefcases for them? He warps in with the TARDIS, leaves the cases, and warps out? Something like this, anyway?

The Doctor and Clara. They have a Tardis that now magically, for the first time in 50 years, goes exactly where and when he tells it.

That was my impression. Which makes me wonder why the whole charade was even needed when he could have just used the TARDIS to save the creature.

So we are supposed to believe that the one thing that Kalabraxos ever regretted was that she left the creature inside the bank when the storm destroyed it? Yet she had no qualms killing her clones or sucking the brains out of people? Why didn’t she just tell the Doctor to warp in earlier to save the creature? Or is this yet another one of Moffatt’s time travel paradoxes he is so fond of? (Kalabraxos calling the Doctor to set up the heist by using the number she got from him after he had already done the heist…)
I felt like I should like the episode more than I did. Moffatt’s problem is that he takes time to create these incredibly convoluted and intriguing plots, but then rushes through the explanation and denouement so quickly that there is no time to actually understand what is happening and you are left going “…wut?”
(btw, quote of the day: “It’s the eyebrows!” :cool:)

So, they can easily warp in and out, but yet they chose to do things the hard way?

No, it does that from time to time, if the plot needs it to.

The TARDIS could get anywhere in the Bank except for the main vault. The briefcases were left ahead of time, and then their memories were wiped so that when they entered the main vault none of the plans to free the Teller were in their heads, also wiping out their pre-planning memories. There was only one moment they could get into the main vault, and that was during the solar storm, when it wasn’t safe to have the TARDIS in the Bank at all.

One really has to wonder what these people do to make a room TARDIS-proof. Though I guess it’s probably just a side-effect of making it teleport proof and time-travel proof (like with the Time Agent wristbands).

You’re going down the route of madness, man (I’m assuming you’re male). Start contemplating the physics of the Whoverse, and you’ll end up scribbling equations on your bedroom wall in your own blood.

I thought it was a good episode. It was an adventure, the Doctor doing something good because he’s been told something bad happened. I think Capaldi is shaping up to be a great Doctor. I hope he gets the scripts he deserves.

My opinion was that it was a big bag of shite, it’s like the freneticness, the mawkishness and all the other aspects that annoy me about the Dr Who Revival have been turned up to 11 and the plots are all now paper thin, Moffatt should stick to writing crappy sitcoms.