Is jezzaOZ a bigot or just a complete moron?

In this thread, jezzaOZ provides what he or she pretends to be a “helpful” link in this post. When I referred to the bigoted tripe in that link as rubbish, the jackass…er provider of the link mentioned a hope that I would refer to a list of Jewish actors as rubbish too.

Now, let’s talk about the rubbish…er helpful link the jackass provided.

[ul][li]Today’s usage/Link’s usage[/li][list][li]Black or African-American/Negro[/li][li]No longer used/Mulatto[/li][li](I haven’t heard this one in many years)/Mestizo[/ul][/list][/li]
Screw it. That’s enough of the lingo on that site. Next is the lovely insinuation that simply being married to a Jew (I’m surprised they didn’t use the term Jewess* for the females) is enough to show “Jewish control of the State Department”. I’m curious, though, why the need to identify some people as Ashkenazi Jew but apparently no need to expressly identify Sephardi or other Jews as other than “Jewish” (maybe because the bigots behind the site titter like little kids when they get use any word with “nazi” in it to refer to Jews).

More fun comes from that link’s description of Rashad Hussain as “Arab”. The dude’s heritage is Indian, not Arab. His religion is Islam. Being Muslim does not make one Arab, just like being Arab does not automatically make one Muslim.

in this post, jezzaOZ provided a link to a site in Polish and gave very little translation of the link.

So, I leave it up to you, Teeming Millions: is the piece of crud known as jezzaOZ a bigot or merely so moronic he does not know how much bigoted bullshit he has managed to spew in one tiny thread?

*Heck, I’m surprised that site didn’t use the term Nigra or even more racist terminology.

In that thread, I’d vote for both. But s/he’s been around for a long time so I suspect there’s considerable evidence one way or the other.

I vote for “a lot less intelligent than he thinks he is, and very bad at reconsidering his opinions”. Or “moron” for short.

The account was created a long time ago, but that’s a different metric. 493 posts isn’t a lot, unless you add it to the number of one-off racists that haunt the boards.

It’s easy to lump many of them together because they seem to post in the same style and voice, make the same posting patterns, and other signs that make them seem so similar as to treat them as one sad, pathetic entity churning out iterative trolling accounts. It’s almost as if several posters got together as one mind and created a host of accounts throughout the years, saved to use from time to time to avoid any rule-breaking.

Jews? Why, back in my DOS days, it was run by the gays, dangnabbit!

He doesn’t strike me as a simple farmer.

Or a person of the land.

He sure as hell isn’t common clay.

I thought it was the Stonecutters?

The verdict is in. jezzaO3 is a bigot.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

Is also unclear on the difference between all things Welsh and things Maori.

I have to admit, it’s occasionally refreshing to be reminded that my ethnic group rules the world. Boosts the ego. Thanks, jezz.

Everyone knows that if you want to rant about secret Jewish control of the U.S. government among progressives, you have to ctrl-H “Jews” with “Zionists” before posting! Duh!

Hey! I left out Options 3 and 4: troll and jerk.

And he did that more than once in the same thread, too. Bizarre.

I wonder why he/she/it has recently re-emerged? Definitely not classing up the joint.

The available descriptors seem far too tame, accurate though they may be. I’ll add flaming jackass. Maybe Second Stone can coin something unique for J-Oz.

Check out his new anti-Israeli thread in General Questions, of all places.

One of the mods moved it to GD after posting that the mod suspects the troll is trolling.

Retired or fired or has too much time on their hands for any other reason?

Look, you guys, he’s not complaining that Jews secretly run the world. He’s just pointing it out to help fight ignorance. It’s an academic exercise.

I thought it was communists. Don’t tell me McCarthy was lying! Say it ain’t so, Joe.