Is the Democratic Party "anti-God", and what can they do to stop that stereotype?

For the past few decades, the Democratic Party base has been seen as the party of atheists, and secularists. The party booed and removed God from it’s party platform in the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. The Democrats have not done well with evangelical voters in decades, especially with gay marriage and abortion (social issues). What can be done to stop that stereotype?

Nobody approaching the situation logically would equate “secularist political party” with “anti-God.” Therefore, there is no logical way to combat the stereotype. Besides, even if a party were anti-God, it is a secular politial system; God has no place in it. (If you’re worried on God’s behalf, don’t: either He can take care of Himself, or he’s not the God you think he is.)

I question the premise that the stereotype needs combatting. I don’t want any steps taken on the road that leads toward pandering to Evangelicals. I suggest quietly turning up the logical and critical thinking skills in our school systems, and pointing out that religion in government is contrary to American values.

Does that mean wiping God out of the U.S. system? Is that what you want?

Why should anything be done to stop that stereotype? Any movement by the party to attract the type of evangelical who supports, say, Huckabee or Cruz, would drive away Democrats, including many who are religious and believers in God.

That’s what every American should want.

You want a Godless country, that’s what you want?

What role does God play in the U.S. system?

You can’t wipe out someBeing that wasn’t there to start with. It’s a secular country. Deal with it. (Edit: rather, it’s a country with a secular government. The people are free to be religious in their own way. I’m a pagan, for example, merrily rejecting my grandparents’ Christian values in favor of a Christian-influenced version of my fifty-times-great-grandparents’ gods.)

Values. Hard work. Going to school, having an education. Building on society. Believing in marriage and what it comes with it. I am an independent, but I am a Christian as well. I don’t believe in mocking God as Bill Maher does.


Anti-god is what I demand from my doctors as well as politicians. I’m not interested in their interpretation of a storybook. I want to be sure that faith does not interfere with making progress in society (i.e. LBGT rights). So right off the bat, Cruz, Huckabee, Santy-poo will not have my support. Their agenda is making this a “christian country” against the majority’s will. I also don’t think anyone who claims to be a “christian first, American second” is qualified to run for office, vote, or even raise a family without Child Care Services overlooking their parenting.

So you’re saying God does not exist? Is that what you are trying to say?

What does any of that have to do with God?

Out of the public sector, the schools, the decision making, the law making, the courts, yes.
What religion you practice is yours to practice in private or your house of worship.

You don’t force LGBT rights on people, either. They haven’t done anything to build America up. You have to have balance.

No, that is not what I’m trying to say. It is a fair representation of what I believe, but my point was that we have a governmental system where the power explicitly comes from the people, and where there is no political role for God or for his earthly representatives.

Work values. Ethics. Most atheists do not. They are seen as leeches, losers, haters, parasites, people who want to suck the country dry. Atheists don’t enter the military for honor, they do it to get on the government largesse. That is how normal Americans see it.

So you believe that Christian churches that want to perform same-sex marriages should be prohibited from doing so?

Well, I do, but I was referring to the government. All Americans should want a godless government.

As a gay person, speaking to a person who claims to value morality, I would ask you to please re-think this statement.

Huh, I’ve never heard that stereotype before. Interesting.

Although now that I see your… style I’m skeptical as to where this conversation could go.