Has anyone used New Direction meal replacement products?

I’m considering signing up for a medically-supervised very low calorie diet (VLCD) program run by a local hospital. I went to an informational seminar last night, and found out that they use New Direction products.

Has anyone here participated in such a program and used these specific products? Any comments on taste, ease of use, etc.? I’m open to general thoughts about VLCDs, too, but ONLY if you have (a) tried one or (b) are a medical professional with experience related to them.
(NOTE: This thread is not/will not be my sole source of info. :))

Here is a write-up of the New Direction program.

I don’t need a writeup of the New Direction program. I’ve already read, bookmarked, and shared that link (among others). I’m looking for first-hand opinions and accounts. But thanks.

Nude Erection!! Wait, what?

Heh…that’s actually exactly what I thought when I first heard the name. :slight_smile: Too much Glee, I suppose.

(That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it!)

Well, dang. For a second there, I was kind of fascinated to read a little more about One Direction meal replacement products. It sounded like a worthwhile thing to pursue while they’re on hiatus from making music.

I notice that page didn’t say shite about what it tastes like … that would be a serious concern. If I were to stop eating real food in exchange for medically supervised glop, I would like to be assured that it came in good flavors [chocolate, french vanilla, hazelnut, mocha … like other program ‘shake’ meal replacements, and maybe bars - though beef jerky flavor would be a refreshing change from faux candy flavors, I don’t really have a sweet tooth so beef jerky, salt n vinegar chips, or taco would be interesting for the bars.]

I have issues eating currently, med induced nausea and lack of appetite, some days it is a struggle for me to get 500-800 calories of my 1800 calories - and I detest the meal shakes - I am tired of chocolate shakes! At least I can generally manage with my old chemo standby of ice cold fruit salad, celery, cucumber and carrot sticks, and poached chicken or hard boiled egg for protein without too much vomiting - but next appointment I am bitching my doc out about the freaking shakes!

That’s exactly why I started this thread. :slight_smile: I’m looking for folks who have used these specific products as part of a VLCD program.

At the seminar, the nutritionist told us the flavors that are available. There are shakes, puddings, and soups: I think the shakes are the usual chocolate/vanilla/strawberry/mocha variety, and I don’t remember much of the others except she did mention a tomato basil soup – which I noted because that’s one of the few soups I actually like. Some kinds of bars are available for people on higher-calorie plans and/or who are transitioning back to eating real food.

I began VLCD using New Directions in mid January 2016. I followed the plan closely through approximately April. I lost a total of 37 pounds during that time. Some of the shakes are good and taste better when cold. I love the hot chocolate and the replacement bars are tasty as well. Eating the same things can get old, but you change your mindset. We were provided with some recipes for the packets like quiche or biscuits, cake…You can mix with flavored sparkling water (0 calorie) to add variety. One I am not a fan of is the strawberry-tastes like strawberry Quik.

So yes there are things that are not fantastic but not bad. Better than what I could have imagined. Hope that helps.

Came back to bump the thread because I (finally) start the program next week…I’m not sure how I missed Ed U Cator’s post at the end of May! I hope he/she is still around.

Thanks!! I’m hoping to lose ~40 pounds in the next three months. Did you do the 900-calories-per-day plan, or one of the higher ones?

I won’t be doing the bars; at least, not for the first couple of months. I’m hoping to stick with just liquids for at least two months.

Oh man, I love strawberry Quik. :smiley:

Thanks so much for this feedback! “Not great but not bad” is about all I’m hoping for. I had my exercise evaluation a month ago, and the guy gave me a sample of the product (chocolate). I’ll try it tonight. My nutritionist appointment is tomorrow morning, and I didn’t want to try it as soon as I got it and then not remember what I thought of it. My first meeting is a week from today.

Great question. I’m starting the program next month. I’ve only gone to the orientation so far, where I decided to try it. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one. If it goes well, I’ll post my progress (if it doesn’t, I won’t–who publishes negative results?)

Good luck Misnomer!

Awesome, Leo Krupe! Yeah, it’s nice to know I won’t be going through this “alone.” :slight_smile: Good luck to you, too!

I met with the nutritionist this morning, and I was wrong about not doing the bars right away! Turns out that because I’m a type 2 diabetic, I’m not allowed to do the 800-calorie-per-day “no food at all” plan; instead, I’ll be doing the 1000-calorie-per-day “you provide one meal” plan.

It’s to help keep my blood sugar more regulated, which completely makes sense, but for a while now I’ve been looking forward to going “cold turkey.” I *really *liked the idea of not having to think about food/nutrition for a month or two while I start exercising and learning new habits. No one said a peep about diabetics not being eligible for the lowest-calorie plan, and it’s not mentioned in any of the information I took home from the seminar. I was so disappointed that I almost cried during the appointment! The nutritionist apologized, and said she’ll make sure that diabetics are given more complete information in the future.

But as “bad” news goes, it’s really not that bad: even though I have to eat one meal of my own, it can only contain one serving of vegetables (1 cup raw or 1/2 cup cooked) and four ounces of an extremely lean protein (chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, etc.) each day. I have lists of acceptable options. On top of that meal, each day I will have 3 liquid meal replacements, 1 meal replacement bar, and 60-80 ounces of water. I’ll still lose weight, just not as much (or as quickly).

Anyway, I’m over the disappointment now. I’m still looking forward to my first meeting on Tuesday night, and to officially starting the program on Wednesday!

Bleh, that sucks that they can’t just give you 200 calories more of shakes or bars per day. I totally understand not wanting to have to think about your meals and here you are having to think about the most annoying kinds of meals (imho).

Good luck, glad you are over it and ready to start!

Yeah, at the very end of the appointment I said, “Are you sure there’s no way you’ll let me do the 800-calorie plan…??” She just laughed. :smiley:

The biggest logistical annoyance is that I don’t cook. I prefer to think it’s laziness (I live alone) and not inability, but still…I don’t cook. I knew that eventually I’d have to start doing something more closely resembling cooking, but I was hoping to put it off for another month or two. I think I’ll be eating a lot of cold pre-cooked chicken, canned tuna, carrots, and cucumbers between now and Thanksgiving. :slight_smile:

Yooo! Also doing New Direction. Just finished my first week and was down 5lbs. on the 1000 calorie version. I look to be on pace for another 5 this week! I’ve learned two things these last two weeks 1. I am doomed to be on a super low carb diet until I leave this world (fuck i’ll miss you pizza) 2. Our food has absolutely no macro nutrients, and it’s something i’ll be supplementing once i’m back to regular food big time! Hope you’re doing well on the diet!

I am utterly shocked at the join date.

Congrats! That’s what I lost the first week, too. I’m currently down 9.7 pounds after three weeks. I only recently started doing any kind of regular exercise, though, so I’m hoping to start losing a little more once that “kicks in.”

A 5 lb weight loss in the first week is normal and the result of burning off most of you stored glycogen( sugar stored in muscle). Water binds to glycogen 4:1 so as you burn glycogen you also lose the water.
Normal glycogen storage is around 3/4-1 lb.

I knew it was normal and mostly water weight, but losing 5.6 pounds that first week still felt like a goddamn miracle! :wink: