A Stupid Thing in Star Trek That Has Annoyed Me For Years (Add Your Own!)

I always wondered why they had to stop and aim their phasers like they were pistols. Why not just hold down the trigger and sweep the area?

In the episode where Kirk got hyper-speeded up, he tries firing a phaser at someone. You see the beam s-l-o-w-l-y move , giving the person time to get out of the way.

Only the phaser is a light weapon, If I Understand It Correctly, so you’re seeing the light moving slowly. Only you’re seeing it with…light? So the light you see by still moves really fast, but the light that is the phaser beam moves slowly, is that it?

Of course, it makes no sense, and it was the contemplation of such questions that lead Einstein to his theories of relativity. It’s just not a good idea to bring this out in the open and expose your inconsistencies so blatantly, even if it does make for a dramatic shot.

I’m not sure about that; the description sounds like it’s laser only.

At any rate, as I recall reading ( this was quite a few years ago ), the crystal in question specifically blocked laser light; the coherency of the light was what caused the blocking effect, not the intensity. Sorry that my memory’s not more specific.

Actually, phasers fire “rapid nadions”, not light.

Whence comes this? I read all the Star Trek stuff in the early years (including the Technical Manual) and I don’t recall ever hearing of “nadions”. This sounds like some post-Next Generation retconning.

I’d be REALLY interested if you could recall where you read about the coherent-light-selecting crystal. I “inherited” a stavck of papers about the multilayer stack item, but I don’t have anything that used crystals.

How many planets can there be that are just like earth, but with the (Fill in the blank) still running things?

In The Next Generation, why did we never see the grandchildren from the planet that was just like earth but with the Chicago mafia running it? They would be fun.

The ganglanders were taken care of by Federation Special Forces. You know, the folks who blew up Ceti Alpha IV to eliminate a different potential threat.

That would be Neelix.

Bad weather.

I don’t see why the shields’ invisibility would have this consequence.


Addressing the OP directly, it’s a toss-up between Deanna Troi and Wesley Crusher.

For that matter, on a couple of occasions they’ve been shown to have a “wide beam” effect. Where a more cone-shaped phaser beam emerges and stuns a while group of guys.

Shouldn’t that be the default?!

And related to holograms: Data is considered soooooo advanced, because of his positronic brain. He can think very fast, has almost limitless capacity, and can eventually feel emotions. Apparently, Soong was the only person who was able to construct this (although Data did pretty good with Lall until her brain started to deteriorate.) But what really bugs me, is that it’s clear from many holograms we have seen (Dr. Moriarty, The Doctor, etc…) that someone, somewhere in the Federation is capable of doing the same type of advanced programming for these holograms that was done for data. Hell, even in TNG lots of these holograms had emotions before Data did. So why couldn’t they just take the same hologram program they have, load it up into a flash drive, and stick it in the back of an empty android shell? I can’t imagine that Data’s body is the hard part they the scientists never got right.

Who need photon torpedoes? just put a stick of dynamite into the transporter, light the fuse, and send it to the nearest Klingon ship!
BOOM!-no more Klingon ship!

Haven’t seen Star Trek III yet, I’m guessing?

Under most conditions if not all the shields need to be down to transport. Exceptions were almost surely lazy writers.

When Scotty beamed the Tribbles [sup]TM[/sup] onto the Klingon ship they where near the base and under peaceful conditions, so his little joke did not have to worry about shields. However it does appear that nearly all of the cloaked vessels that did surprise submarine style attacks could have made good use of the transport in the fashion you described.

Something that has always annoyed me about this - what did the Klingons do with all those tribbles? Scotty acted as though it was a far more humane solution than beaming them out into space, but I’m betting the Klingons got out some bottles of A-1 and knives and forks and had an orgy of tribble gorging.

No, because both ships have to have their shields down. However, there’s no reason why everyone couldn’t have just said “I want to beam over and talk about this…no more fighting.” And then beam over a nuclear warhead instead of themselves.

Aye lassie, I wud think that et was but one last joke en a verra funny show.

I am sure that if taken seriously, it would have been a major breach in protocol and Scotty would have and should have got into major trouble. Of course Kirk really hated Klingons and maybe Scotty knew he could get away with it.

But ships did not travel through space with their shields up. How many times did we hear Kirk give orders to raise shields?

adding to that; true, the transporters were unsafe for human transport, but why not beam down a shitload of bricks and other materials so they could at least build a hut? So what if they duplicated, you can’t pile up duplicate bricks?

Actually, ships always travelled with at least a screening shield up to prevent strikes from random debris. The “Raise shields!” order meant to raise the hardier shields that could resist Nasty Things fired by Bad People.

I didn’t watch all of the movies nor the series (pl?) that came after Next Generation, so maybe I missed something.

But unless I did: why didn’t the Federation ever get cloaking devices?