AAIEEEE! (Or, When Google Image Search Goes Horribly Awry)

If you like jazz, and want to explore vocal styles, beware, be very wary, of Googling scat.

I now refer to it as “jazz vocal improvisation” since there isn’t enough Brain Bleach in the world.

I asked my reference four times if that is what it was called. I thought I was misunderstanding her dialect. :slight_smile:

Yes, “scat” is your instant portal to dozens of pictures that make the Goatse guy look like Strawberry Shortcake. :eek:

I was searching for a picture of a microphone. So, completely not thinking, typed in “mike” and couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t getting pictures of microphones, but a lot of pictures of stereotypical Jews. Until I noticed the typo in the search box. :smack:


In this thread, I had cause to perform a Google image search, and you will not believe what kind of nasty, scary stuff came up for “rapist.”

I know someone who made this assumption - at work. He was on his lunch break so he wasn’t breaking any company rules about using the internet. He had a very uncomfortable meeting with his supervisor and HR but they did eventually believe his innocence.

My ex also found out the hard way that when you’re spending your lunchbreak looking for furniture, make sure you don’t spaz and put too many “o” in mybobs.com. Putting too many “o” will bring you to a safe page, but still something which will get you in trouble when you work for PBS.

That reminds me of an ad for some video card a few years ago - the guy’s eyeballs had teeth and were screaming.

As an old hat at Google Seppuku, I have to admit that I was expecting something a bit worse. I suggest you start entering random Japanese characters into Google Image Search and then keep going through the results until you find the picture that makes you twitch on the ground crying. Or commit ritualized suicide, natch.

It’s fun and educational!

Or, you could just re-enable “moderate safe search”, which takes out almost all of the kind of images that could get you in trouble or induce twitching. That’s the default state on Google, so you guys must have actively taken steps to turn the filters off if you’re seeing pornographic or disturbing images. With the default filter enabled, you get tracking and hunting references for “scat” and the most disturbing thing “porn” turns up is a mosaic photo of John Ashcroft made out of images that are so small they can barely be distinguished as partially-clad female figures.

I remember almost 10 years ago wanting to look up some info about the presidency. I went to www dot whitehouse dot com. Wow! I always knew that Bill was a horndog but I didn’t think he wanted it advertised!

The site now is non-porn (unless you get your rocks off by reading about the candidates). “Yes, Mistress Hillary, I need to be punished. Whip me, beat me, raise my taxes!” :smiley:

Inevitably, a simple search for Star Trek images brought up some slash illustrations :stuck_out_tongue:

Medical… is… icky!!!

Oh dear Og. :: shudder ::

My coworker once wanted to look for stuff at the local warehouse store. She tried typing the name of the store in Google search, but left off part.

Oddly enough, your search results will be much different if you search for “BJ” instead of “BJ’s”.

Lemme guess, candid pictures of Rum?

Oh great, now I am picturing Rumsfeld as an Edwardian-dressed dom pirate.

In one of the Ripley Museums there’s a statue of a Chinese nobleman with that condition. I don’t recall his name, but he was important in his time, a provincial governor or Imperial advisor or some such, but the bio-plaque said he had numerous wives and concubines and some of his many children had the same condition, and that it occasionally pops up in his descendants.

Which condition is this?

Hey, the Corinthian!

(note: if you squick just thinking about **gotpasswords’ ** comment, do not click)

Double-pupils/irises on the same eyeball (which I think falls under the heading of cyclopism, even though he had two eyes [or four depending on your definition of eye] rather than one).