Ask the guy who just had a colonsocopy

OK, I’ve been curious about this for a while. (because my doc has been recommending it for a while)

WHY is the drugging necessary? (If I could spell anaesthetic, I would have used that word)

I understand fully that having a huge probe snaked through your nether regions is not gonna be pleasant. But they’re not cutting into you or anything like that, so why do they hafeta put you out?

I’m serious. Did the doctor explain the why of it to you???

Here’s my two cents about colonoscopy. They tell you to just drink liquids and eat jell-o for the day before. But then it turns out that the jell-o can appear as lumps in their viewer and they have to do the whole thing over. When you try to complain there is nobody who will listen.
They act like you are a dummy and ruined their work, when it’s them who have ruined your day twice. At least there won’t be another for a few years.