Celebrities who openly loathe each other

Paula Abdul and Simon Cowell

Well, you can’t blame her- she proved her merits after that show went off the air. It’s not every actress who can take on a role like… uh… then there’s…

Well, it’s not her fault. She was typecast- you never have a career after a stupid show like that. For example, whatever happened to that girl who was on FLYING NUN or the kid who played Luke on GROWING PAINS?

Speaking of rivalries-

Kirk Cameron and the cast of Growing Pains- he evidently became a Statue of Liberty sized dipwad when he converted to ultra-conservative Christianity, accusing the show’s producers of being pornographers and refusing to allow his character to do anything funny. At the same point he drove off diCaprio for being more popular. (Has anybody seen his show on religious TV?)

Rick Schroder and Alfonso Ribeiro still hate each other from when they were on Silver Spoons and Schroder drove off Alfonso for gaining popularity.

Val Kilmer and every director he’s ever worked with. And probably a lot more actors in addition to Brando. I’ve heard he’s an absolute bastard to work with. Demanding and a real prima donna.

Why Steve Martin and Anne Heche?

Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono. Those two just do not get along.

Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers were invited to and attended Sting’s wedding. At the reception, from what I’ve read, the band took a break and the Police decided it might be fun to stage a mini-reunion on the borrowed instruments. Halfway through “Message In A Bottle”, Sting was glaring at Andy, thinking Andy was slowing the song down, Andy was angry at Stewart, thinking Stewart was rushing the tempo, and Stewart was mad at Sting, thinking Sting was lagging. After the song was finished, they remembered why it was that the band broke up and vowed never to play together again. They apparently put the instruments down and are on good terms now.

I read it in an interview with Sting, but for the life of me can’t remember where. Rolling Stone maybe?

Didn’t she dump him for Ellen De Generes?

I heard the same thing on VH1’s Behind the Music for Sting and for the Police.

Michael Nesmith and the other Monkees. He agreed to tour with them in the late nineties, did the first four shows, got bad reviews, and reneged. It was the first “complete” tour of the Monkees and they lost engagements because of his backout. (By this time Tork/Jones/Dolenz had had about 124 “reunion” tours, so Nesmith was the selling point for this one.) Of course he doesn’t need the money because in addition to Liquid Paper he recently won a huge judgment against PBS.

Robert Reed and Sherwood Schwarz detested each other. My favorite quote was Schwarz’s: “Robert’s one of those actors who if he bombed in Hamlet would blame it on the writing.”

Shelley Long is evidently a psychotic hosebeast and is hated by the cast of CHEERS, but not for walking out on the series- that was the one thing she did of which they approved. Kelsey Grammer said she openly lobbied to have him fired his first year on the series.

Another dead but hated castmate: Raymond “Mr. Drysdale” Bailey from BEVERLY HILLBILLIES. The other castmembers were unanimous in calling him a prick. (They loved Irene “Granny” Ryan, but she had annoying habits- she smoked several packs a day and swore like a sailor- Max Baer remembers a time when she kicked him during a publicity shoot and yelled “G*ddamnit, you’re standing in my key light!”, but he loved her. Bizarre image.)

Obscure and dead disliked actor: Howard DaSilva- he played Benjamin Franklin (beautifully) in the movie 1776, but was one of the most difficult and temperamental actors in Hollywood or on B’way to work with. OTOH, he was a total trouper- he had a massive heart attack the day before 1776 opened on B’way but still insisted on performing opening night- and did (then collapsed and was in ICU for several weeks- this is according to the directors commentary on the 1776 DVD).

Coolio hates Wierd Al.

X-tina Aguilera and Kelly Osbourne (rumor has it they actually had a fight at an L.A. club)

James Hetfield and Jason Newsted (Jason wanted to release a side-project CD with Echobrain, among other things, and James accused him of not being serious about Metallica, so Jason left and James ended up in rehab for alcoholism and painkiller addiction.)

J-Lo and Gwynneth

Kurt Cobain publically (and rather childishly) trashed Pearl Jam collectively and Eddie Vedder in particular many times, but apparently changed his mind about things after they actually met. I believe he died still not caring for Pearl Jam’s music, but apologized in his last Rolling Stone interview for saying such nasty things about such a nice guy.

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey loathed each other in Dirty Dancing.Especially Patrick Swayze toward her.He said her would never do another movie with her.
On Young and the Restless Victor and Jack have actually come to blows on the set with Jack wearing a bandaid on his brow for a few days…Seems Victor always wants the last word on the set.

Rent Bowfinger. That’s allegedly about her.

I’ve heard that Steve Martin is no bowl of cherries either.

also, Lou Reed and just about everyone; esp the “lesser” members of the Velvets (Morrison and Tucker) and Frank Zappa.

Ben Affleck and Baldness?

I can’t belive this one didn’t come up yet.

Tons of Star Trek “tell-all” books all say the same thing. James Doohan DESPISES William Shatner, for being a talentless jerk and hogging every moment possible. For a show so vaunted for its ensemble feeling, apparently this guy loathes Shatner.

A paycheck will smooth over a lot of hurt, he’d been there for ALL of the Star Trek films that used the original cast.


Loved the way ‘Galaxy quest’ used that in their film!

What did Elton say that was so horrible? This is probably one of those things that everybody knows about except me.

I guess Charlie Sheen hates that woman he co-starred with in Chase or whatever it was called.

I heard that Gary Oldman and Wynona Ryder (I know I spelled her name wrong somehow) hate each others guts.