Co-workers who disappear during the day--WTF?

Well, if the Skyway system is Minneapolis and the company happens to be a Minneapolis based Fortune 500, forgetaboutit. Those two were doing the same thing when I was there ten years ago.

I’ve never understood this. When I was the “victim” of this behavior, I grabbed the data from the call tracking system, posted it outside my cube, with graphs and numbers - oh, and took it into my review with HR when my boss tried to fire me for not doing a good job. I still ended up quitting - and the long luncher-late arriver-early leaver was still employed as of several years ago.

In my experience, doing an end around the manager does you no good except making the manager (or director) feel like you are attacking them - never makes for a pleasant work environment. Sluffing yourself will make you the first on the next round of layoffs list. Start looking for a new job, or just live with what you’ve got.

I wonder how many people are replying to this thread, telling you how to deal with people who slack off at work, while they’re reading the SDMB at work!

Yes, I’m one of them.

Me, too. But I am ready to drop my web surfing and answer that next trouble call the second the phone rings. My coworker has the ringer volume on his phone turned up to maximum so he can make sure to wake up if his phone rings.

Ok, first of all, my little student assistant job in the computer center here on campus pales in comparison to the jobs and responsibilities other Dopers have to put up with…and fortunately the people here are great and hard workers. I do wonder about the guy who comes in 30 minutes late with McDonald’s every morning and plays solitaire on his computer a lot of the time…but when he does have something to do, he busts his rear getting it done. (Likewise I am reading the boards until someone needs me! :slight_smile: )

MY complaint, coming from a university student, is that many secretaries here on campus think that lunch is 11-2. The universal standard on campus is 12-1, so students don’t plan on being able to reach a department secretary at that hour. But when you rush out of class at 11:45, and found out they were long gone earlier…that’s a problem. Or, I’ll try to reach a particular faculty member on the phone, but can’t get through to them because their department uses the secretary as a switchboard - and they’re not there! Most of these on-campus secretaries are salaried just like the faculty, and they really abuse that privilege. Gah…too many experiences with missing secretaries has made me bitter.

I have only had small team management experience, but the thing I would try to do is use the Indain guy as a pressure release valve for your other programmers. Provided that the Indian guy is a decent programmer, if he is not then losing him would not be so bad. You should have an idea of the work loads of your other programmers, each weak have the Indian guy help out the most pressurised programmer as a subroutine writer, and code tester. He will gain a good overview of the other projects, and will if he is any good soon gain the respect of the other programmers.

Geez, this thread makes me feel a lot better about myself.

I tend to be late a lot, but I also work late often and work lots of weekends during peak season. I would never THINK of sleeping at work, although I have fallen asleep momentarily from utter fatigue. I would never plan on sleep. I’m amazed that they don’t get caught.

Likewise, I’m not here reading the SDMB unles there’s nothing much for me to do, which has lately been the case quite often. We’re very seasonal.

When I worked at a dot-com related business that was deserted after the big fall, we often contemplated going to a movie during the day. Never actually did it tho.

If the IT director won’t do anything about it, you need to go over his head. I think Sengkelat’s suggestion about getting all your other co-workers together to complain at once (make sure you have documentation, maybe keep track of their comings and goings for a week or so) is a good idea. That way management will know it’s not just one disgruntled employee, but an entire department.

Right on count one, wrong on count two.

I’m PeeWee’s cow-orker. PW’s gone today, and I’m a tad hungover, so I’ll make my spin short. There are benefits to having this job, and part of it is goofing off, surfing the SDMB, and playing games. We all do it, and it’s no big deal. But the nature of our job is kind of like a fire fighters. When we’re called upon, we’re expected to do our jobs. PW and I do it. The 2 ladies cannot, since they are out wandering around/shopping/going home for a big old bong hit (I know this happened once). The VP IT is a spineless wimp and a kiss ass. He reports directly to the head honcho, who looks at us with unrecognition when we get on the elevator. Going to him would likely end in nothing or us getting canned. So we’re pretty much stuck. Both of us hit Monster etc. on a regular basis, but there just isn’t that much out there.

If the thread is still alive tomorrow I’ll ad more. Right now my brain feels like monkey poop in a shit fight.

you must show them the money. show them the money that the 2 women are costing them. once the big bosses see the money loss things change very, very, quickly.

Carmen, I’ve been there. A couple of times. Had that job, had those co-workers, bought the t-shirt, ain’t planning any return trips.

I could say something uplifting, like “convince management what is happening and they’ll get canned.” But I’ve never seen it work that way - I have watched the “troublemakers” who complain get walked to the door (including, very nearly, myself once). Management isn’t missing the fact that these two are shopping their day away. Or maybe I could say something uplifting like “the IT VP will loose his job any day and then there will be a clean slate.” More likely, but still unlikely. So hang in. Make the best of what you’ve got.

(PC Tech type stuff? I’ll keep my ear to the ground. B.C. (Before Children) I used to have lots of contacts, I’ve let them slip, but maybe its time to do some lunches).

Oh, I just noticed a possible angle in PeeWee’s post. If people in OTHER departments know this, and you can convince them to make a case - or rather, innuendo - especially if you let the rumor mill get back to your IT VP that everyone knows his staff walks all over him, the VP might fire them - because he won’t want to look like a spineless wimp in front of the other VPs. The market is tight right now, they can be replaced in an instant.

If your co-workers are female, perhaps this is where they go to?

[sub]WARNING: the link provided directs you to the funniest post EVER![/sub]

Dangerosa, that is a damn fine idea. Like any company with a few hundred or more people, we have an effective and well oiled rumor mill. A little feeding and stoking may get the message around.