Dan Savage for Dummies

I think there might even be a third Dan Savage, the one on his podcast. He’s not nearly as snarky as he is in his column, and comes across a lot more empathetic and kind. He’s not pushing the humor as hard as he is in the column and it creates a great balance.

He’s also very clear in his podcasts that he has an agreement with his partner/husband (they were married in Canada, IIRC, but that doesn’t count in WA) that he discloses very little about their sexual life. I don’t think there’s a conflict between “Dans” here - he obviously respects Terry’s privacy and wishes, and is being a good husband. He mentions often that people will have something that is “the price of admission” for being in a relationship with them, and that usually these are fine, as long as it is disclosed upfront, or negotiated when possible.

And yes, he can be snarky in the podcasts, but then he’ll get a call from some depressed/devastated person who needs help, and you can hear the concern in his voice. I’ve had tears come to my eyes frequently during calls like that.

I’ve been a big fan of Savage for quite a while now. He’s got a great, sometimes snarky, attitude and he gives really good advice. Occasionally I think he’ll get on a soapbox now and again, but I think that comes with the territory and he typically has some interesting insight when he does get into this mode.

I thought one of his funniest columns was when he related the advice he gave to everyone within the context of the move Starship Troopers. Fortunately for everyone, I was able to find it! This thing is still brilliant over a decade later.

I do have to call BS on Savage for one thing, though. He had one column where he described his first time with a woman. He mentioned that when he got done something came out of the woman’s vagina and he freaked out and determined that he would never put his penis into something that excretes something odd like that. Uh Dan, ever see what comes out of a butt?

I read that column, and I took his tone as one of total irony.

You may be right. I have to re-read that column if I can find it.

Was that the same column where he described female genitalia as looking like “a canned ham that has been dropped from a great height?”

I laughed so hard when I read that the first time, I thought I was going to rupture something.

I was actually coming in to mention his appearances on TAL in general. Here are the search results for him there.

I’ve never read his books but he’s a great speaker and I prefer his spoken stuff to his columns.

I believe he wasn’t talking about semen, but of queefing.

I saw a great talk by Savage when he came to IU. He’s a very funny guy. I used to listen to his podcast religiously.

He is very pro-gun, which I like.

Not blood, usually.

Then again, I’m the proud owner of a pair of red wings, so I’m not the one to talk.

Oh wow, thank you all for the replies!

I will definitely go online and read some columns and listen to the podcasts. I listen to “This American Life” whenever I can anyway so I will check that episode out too.

I will probably go ahead and order Skipping Toward Gomorrah as well since that one was mentioned the most. I read online a lot (probably at least a couple of hours everyday just here), but there is something I really like about actually holding a book and reading it…

Thanks again you guys.