Double-pit! Blocking in people's cars and spam. What a combo.

No “Kiss and Drive” in the US?

Thing is, they would have the power and authority to call for a tow. That’s a fire lane, people, and leaving your car parked in it is no more legal at a school than at an airport.

At my daughter’s elementary school, the parking lot/dropoff area was monitored by teachers, teaching assistants, and school yard volunteers who ALWAYS ensured that no driverless cars were left in the fire lanes. Her junior high school is also quite good in this regard.

At the reception where I worked, we had about ~40 parking spots with about 30 regulars, but tons of drop-ins all day, staying between 20 seconds to 20 minutes. All kinds of wonky parking.

It took us a year and a half to think of asking people to leave their keys in the reception in case others got blocked in :smack:

(This was a construction site workers’ lair, by the way, not a normal hotel. We got to make the rules :wink: )

That seems to be pretty much an east coast thing. Can’t have it out west. Makes too much sense, be too easy.

People who block others in or show a general disregard towards other human beings makes 1st on my list of pet peeves.

Years ago when I was a teenager my friends and I went to the movies. The parking lot was very crowded and there wasn’t much parking to be had. One asshole in a brand new light blue Fiero decided he would park not between the yellow lines like everyone else but rather on one effectively taking up two spaces, I assume so no one would scratch it. My friends and I stopped our car, got out, then proceeded to lift the back of the Fiero and slide it sideways parallel to the curb at the top of the parking space. He was firmly wedged between cars on either side of him. In what had to be one of the most satisfying moments of my life as we left the theater we drove by the guy who was sitting on the hood of his car waiting for one of the other drivers to come out. Every now and then karma works while you’re watching.