Facebook question

Nope, me either.

I don’t think this is possible. There are bogus “Profile View Counter” apps that are all spam scams or worse.

Every time Facebook changes, it prompts widespread outrage and anger, along with a minority voice of approval. I will never ever understand why Facebook doesn’t simply maintain a variety of formatting options and allow people to choose which one they would like to see. It’s all the same data - just displayed differently. Those who hate the new look can stick with an older one, those that aren’t sure can try various formats out without panic, and those who like the new one can use it.

If you are set up as a “page” that people can “like” rather than being in a mutual friend relationship, then there are a load of stats available. They are a bit woolly, though.

Facebook don’t really care - they are migrating to a new system that will better meet their commercial needs. There’s no need for them to maintain legacy systems for any length of time. Microsoft have to, but that’s a different business entirely.

:raises hand:

Me as well.

And the way to do that is to make it harder to find stuff so you have to stay on the site longer.

Well, yes, I admit that implicit in my suggestion is the assumption that Facebook has as one of its guiding goals making its site both pleasant and useful for its users. That assumption is at best arguable.