Fargo S2

How many organized criminals from the late 1970’s Midwest have you met?

Slow your roll bro, that kind of information can get people killed. Or hurt. Or embarrassed.

okay then

You do know that there are numerous Indian tribes in the Midwest, right? Did you see the original film? If so, then you’ll remember Shep Proudfoot, who kicked Carl Showalter’s ass. I’m glad they’re using mixed ethnicities in the casting.

Omar Little: That is indeed Mathias.

Not loving the alien stuff, but otherwise a solid second episode.

what alien stuff?

if you mean the UFO in ep1 - that was most likely a hallucination from the bug spray + loss of blood from the knife wound.

The voiceover at the end (along with some lighting choices) has suggestions of continued alien stuff.

The voiceover at the end was from War of the Worlds. I took it as foreshadowing rather than literally about aliens.

I was going to re-watch, as I couldn’t remember it being alienish -

but I can see now that 2 episodes have definitely had references that could be taken that way.

When Mike Milligan and the Kitchen brothers left the typewriter shop, there were voices saying things like, “Don’t let him get away.” What was that? I thought the three goons were being captured, but now I think it might be more of the alien plotline.

Me either, but most of the reviews I’ve read have said that this season was stronger than the first, so I’ll give the show the benefit of the doubt.

No, that was just the opening of the Burl Ives song they played, about getting away from a posse. As a side note that nobody else will find interesting, when they played that song, I immediately recognized Burl Ives’ voice, but I had never heard the song before, and my first impression was that it seemed ridiculous for an old fat man to sing. Then it occurred to me for the first time that Ives must have been a young man once, but the youngest I ever saw him was in The Big Country, when he was already nearly 50 (and looked much older) and fat, so I had always thought of him as a fat old man. I had a similar epiphany during Ken Burns’* Jazz* documentary, which devoted a lot of time to Louis Armstrong as a young man, and possibly the coolest guy who ever lived. I had only seen him when he was in his 60’s.

Back to Fargo — in the closing scene of the butcher shop, when they were reading the passage from WOWT, I assumed that the lights reflecting off the building were from the UFO.

I’m watching it, and it’s currently the only prime time show I’m watching, so I want it to be good. But I really don’t see how they can top Malvo, and I think they’re trying too hard to be quirky with the smart-mouth Milligan character, who seems to be way, way ahead of his time (although they did make one concession to reality when he was careful to say he was reaching for his ID), and the silent brothers who might as well be named Darryl and Darryl.

Still, the cops in this show seem so much more watchable than the endless stream of super-good-looking geniuses on virtually every other prime time drama.

The UFO stuff is quite weird so far, I agree. On the other hand, season 1 had the maybe-but-not-necessarily-actually-supernatural Malvo, and it was fantastic. And I’m basically enjoying every other aspect of the show, so I’m definitely in.

I might watch the first two episodes again this weekend to let the show sink it. I was late to Fargo the series, my wife and I binge watched the entire thing from last Thursday through Saturday, then quickly got up to speed on S2. I had avoided the show because I love the Coen bros. movies and couldn’t see how it would work with someone else writing and directing in their world, but I’m glad to see I’m wrong.

The alien connection is off putting, but there was a UFO connection in The Man Who Wasn’t There, so maybe it will work.

Did I miss something? I know we saw strange lights in the sky but does that necessarily mean aliens?

In the first episode, the killer chases the waitress out of the diner and finishes her off. Then a UFO appears in the sky, he stands transfixed in the middle of the road as a car plows into him.
Here’s the clip https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqII7gSpWxwoAn2UsnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ--?p=ufo+fargo+season+2&vid=8c31ded6d71f6d1e2c9cbb64726dd6e7&turl=http%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DWN.Wz04VpOIE1VsLTD8TkRTfg%26pid%3D15.1%26h%3D360%26w%3D480%26c%3D7%26rs%3D1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DegqiHg6ghZQ&tit=UFO+in+tv+series+fargo+season+2+ep+1&c=0&h=360&w=480&l=43&sigr=11btep3bg&sigt=1143urd2o&sigi=12l1ahchs&age=1444732502&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=yhs-mozilla-003&hsimp=yhs-003&hspart=mozilla&tt=b

Yeah, OK, so no actual aliens yet. Just making sure.

Upthread someone suggested that the UFO was a hallucination being experienced by that guy. Remember that he’d been stabbed and sprayed in the eye with something (pepper spray or perfume, perhaps).

Yeah, but that doesn’t explain the use of the War of the Worlds broadcast while the credits roll and the green light at the end of episode 2. In the NY Times recap, they linked to this story of a Minnesota deputy blinded by a UFO in 1979, http://www.ufocasebook.com/minnesotasheriff1979.html.

ETA: he was sprayed in the face with bug spray.