Flash Gordon on SciFi

They canceled Stargate for this? Yeesh, this thing sucked.

Zeiman series.

I believe there are Rheinmain integrals. :slight_smile:

There may be, but try to unlock a door on Mongo with one and see how far you get.

Yeah, Mom Gordon was number four. The fifth was Flash’s female friend who was hanging around after the marathon.

Oh, man…

I had more fun watching the black-and-white holodeck “Captain Proton” episodes than I did this thing…

…and I was looking forward to it, too, with a hope for some tongue-in-cheek cheese, but I didn’t get it…

Yes, they should stick to the clean, wholesome origins of Flash Gordon, such as this panel from a 1941 Flash Gordon comic strip by Alex Raymond that ran in newspapers all over America:

Ummm, link disabled because NSFW


No, there was sexy stuff, but not every gawddamn scene. :slight_smile:

Nice link, reminds me of Conan. A Witch Shall Live?

Sorry, A Witch Shall Be Born.

On all the cast links, they talk about the actor’s or actress’ past work, except for one.

Ming, the angry used water salesman.

Man, that was one long piece of self-congratulatory tripe. “Our Ming isn’t made up to look Asian!”

Here’s the Waterboy’s CV from IMDB. I’ve seen a couple of the things he’s been in but he clearly made no impression on me.

Ah, Margaret Brundage goodness. She’s the jarbabyjr of sci fi art!

You dare insult Ming the Merciless, Emperor of Mongo?
Lackey! Quadruple their cost per cubic thousand feet!

…Nah, this ain’t gonna work.

True enough. My point was how very unsexy most versions of Flash are, compared with the original. Can you imagine a naked Dale Arden chained to the wall, being whipped by a scantily clad minion while another woman watches and taunts her? I don’t think that would fly nowadays. Everybody thinks we’ve come so far in terms of sexiness and so forth nowadays, but I swear, outside of porn we’ve turned into a bunch of prigs. It’s as if, by allowing pretty much anything to go in porn, we’ve completely stopped pushing the envelope on the sexy in mainstream stuff. I’m sure that’s a bad thing.

And the other point I’d make with that image I posted is that if you wanted to have naked women writhing in chains for whatever reason, hey, it’s right there in the original. It’s canon.

In addition to all of the above, my single biggest gripe - “no sense of adventure” - they just get whooshed to another planet and they act like its an everyday occurance. they should’ve been captured while they were still slack jawed staring at the moons, or something.

And way too easy to get back to earth… again, absolutely no sense of “how the hell are we gonna do x now?”

Wonder how many times Dale’s gonna get knocked out?

Did anyone notice that Flash’s hair was dark brown at the roots for about an inch? In short, his blond dye job had grown way out. Made him look like Bill Pullman playing “the biggest moron on Earth” in “Ruthless People.”

I noticed the two-tone hair as well. It was quite popular among the youngsters a couple of years ago. Apparently it has moved from “trendy” to “respectable”.

I really, really hate what they did with Zarkov. He is supposed to be a semi-paternal figure. The wise uncle who teaches you how to fix your car. (Except he does it with spaceships and deathrays.) He is absolutely NOT supposed to be a geek, living in his mothers basement with his collection of Star Wars and Star Trek figurines, obsessing over idiotic conspiracy theories.

I can forgive a low-budget production. Heck, in the Buster Crabbe serials and Flesh Gordon, it was part of the charm. (Flesh Gordon Meets the Cosmic Cheerleaders had a much higher budget than Flesh Gordon, and was not even remotely as entertaining.) One of the 3 redeeming features of the 1954 TV series was seeing how creative the costume designers and set designers could get on their microscopic budgets. But you should at least make an attempt to capture the look of the comic strip. Ming needs a beard and a cape, @#$% it!

I record it and watch it after work, when I am exhausted, semi-catatonic, and much easier to please. I will give it a few more episodes before I give up completely.

I can’t find the name of the actress, nor the character, but Dale’s producer was the single hottest fem on the show.

EC, those of the Dopers who consider you squicky, are getting enough fire wood for their anual witch burning from this thread alone. I realize that the whole Flash Gordon mythos, along with Barsoom, BEMs and all other Space Opera trappings, are the things your fantasies are made of. But your glee is not very becoming…

…and Flash the most sissy guy. :slight_smile:

Leaving aside your excrable choice of adjectives, that’s not even accurate. Ming’s minion that was doing the imitation of The Gentlemen from Buffy was excessively fey in his portrayal.

Beyond that, there were a minimum of male characters: Ming, Zharkov, Dale’s financé, and Flash’s buddy. None of them were exactly burning up the screen with portrayals of masculinity. Zharkov and Dale’s fiancé were particularly passive.

Really, the most masculine-aggressive character seems to have been Baylin. Whose actress’ work, I note, has MTV’s “Undressed” listed as a credit. And “Mutant X.” Sheesh. Better to have left her past work blank if that’s what she’s got – not exactly facts that’ll entice people to watch.