For the last time, I am not Argent Towers.

For the record, I never get you guys confused. You are (in my head) the poor guy who gets confused with Argent Towers. If anything, it’s made me notice you more!

I no longer have any clue what your actual username is.

Walks away muttering to herself

Argent foxtrot?
Foxtrot towers?
Agent Towers?
Agent argent?
Major major?



I submit that Argent Towers and Agent Foxtrot should be surgically spliced together into a single being, for the common good. The same should be done with Tom Skerritt, Tom Selleck and Burt Reynolds.

This thread is full of win.

Which one of you wanted a microscope?

Nor am I but I play one on TV.

Argent Towels?

Agent Fowler?

Agnes Foxtail?

Ardent Boxtop?


Well, we can’t all not be Argent Towers.

I’m not Ardent Towers. So’s my wife.

In all seriousness, I’m the one who made this mistake recently, and I feel like an idiot. I had been reading AT’s cabdriver thread before catching up with AF’s employment thread, and I bungled it when I then posted in the latter. I apologize to both for making a mistake that must indeed be maddening.

Well, I screwed that up. Obviously I meant to say Argent Towers.

He says, walking away rubbing his hands with glee and cackling maliciously. :slight_smile:

Also, why should I be the one to change my username? I go by Agent Foxtrot everywhere on the internet. 'Sides, I was here first, dammit. :mad:

I am Spartacus.

I was literally laughing aloud at this one.

Lucky for all involved, I rarely remember what issues/events/quirks go with specific posters, so I don’t get confused. I just wallow in, um, well, not ignorance, but something similar.

Just like Michael Bolton in Office Space - not that you are accusing **AT **of being a no-talent ass-clown, mind you.

Tom Tildrum - clearly you have some ‘splainin’ to do - heck, some folks think that a person who can’t tell **Agent FoxTowers **apart from each other (yeah, that phrase makes sense) must be a taco short of a combo plate!


You sound pretty ardent about that.

– USC Diver

Well, one reason why it should be you is that Ardent Foxtrot would be an upgrade name that declares you playful but sensuous.

Other than that, don’t worry about it. The names aren’t that close, not many people will be confusing the two.

I’ll keep it in mind, Agent Flowers.

Ardent Foxtrot really would be an awesome name, but I don’t think it would solve the identity problem.