From Hell's heart I stab at thee, LifeSavers®!!!

Please Og say it aint SO!! First the lime lifesavers next thing you know they will do away with Count Chocula!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

So, no one noticed that they removed reflective foil from the wrappers decades ago? You were all asleep at the same time I suppose? What’s next, the little pull string that none of use anyway?

The absence of lime and grapefruit from the five flavors roll officially qualifies it as a product no longer to be purchased. As a registered lime addict and citrus feind in general, the recent societal shift over to presenting green candies, sodas and ices in a watermelon or sour apple flavor merely represents nothing more than another sign of the coming apocalypse.

Casey1505, get with the politically correct Lifesaver program. It’s Butterscotch not the more demonic, ButterRum.

[insert sound of eyes rolling like the reels of a slot machine >here<]

Hold on, now. You ended up with watermelon, but weren’t lucky enough to get watermelon?

Actually, I’ve seen both Butterscotch and Butter Rum.

Oh, the HUMANITY!!

Actually, I hated the lime flavor, and always tried to swap with my sister for the cherry or orange.

I see the Butter Rum Lifesavers off and on throughout the year. However, during the Christmas season I see them all the time. Those were my favorites back in high school.

I noticed it. I’ve also noticed, and mourned, the passing of foil on sticks of gum. I used to love to peel the foil off of the paper backing, taking pride in removing it whole without any rips or tears. AND the cheapskates don’t even print the whole gum wrapper any more! So much for making chewing gum wrapper chains.

You MUST try margarita flavored Jelly Belly beans. Truly nummy. I need to get to the store and stock up on my personal favorites again.

I have to agree with the OP. Bad enough they got rid of lime (my favorite, too) but to replace it with watermelon?

Blecch! :eek:

Blech indeed! Watermelon candy needs to be expunged from the face of the Earth, and I’ve thought so ever since I first tried watermelon Jolly Ranchers.

I share the OP’s disdain for fucking with the Five Flavors. Lime Candy is dead… long live Lime Candy!

On an observant note: TwoWrath of Khan references in the Pit at once? Cool.

(Yes, I know the “Hell’s heart” line is actually from Moby Dick, but I never fail to hear Ricardo Montalbon spitting it at Kirk when I read the line.

Tinfoil wrappers from Lifesavers killed my Intellivision in 1981. A little sliver fell into the air vent on top and ZZZZZZZZT.

My parents were unimpressed. I cried.

They’re ButterRum Lifesavers here. Perhaps they were re-called and replaced by Butterscotch in CA?:wink:

I still prefer the pyrotechnic wintOgreen. Glad they haven’t changed that.

chocolate Necco Wafers are available at SuperWalmart, but I don’t know why you’d want them.

It was a given, every X-Mas, I bought Grampa a bottle of Aqua Velva and be bought me a Life Saver book, sometimes two.
The butter rum has ALWAYS been my favorite…they best not screw with them!

And watermelon? Yick. If I want watermelon and other non-Life Saver flavors, I would buy Jolly Ranchers!

And what was my “From Hell’s Lower Intestine I Pit Thee, Mister Chau!” Pit thread supposed to be, chopped liver?

I’ve scoured Middle Tennessee for weeks now, and I can’t find any Wild Cherry Lifesavers anywhere!

Did they stop making them?

Actually they’re triboluminescent. Okay so I’m being picky! Gee I forgot about them… hmm… wint-o-green is my favorite. Lime takes second place.

Merkin connection for musk lifesavers but you would really be better off with Tim Tam Bicuits. I have a collection of funky lifesaver flavours (Hot CinnOMon, wild cherry, butterrum amongst others) from over there I use to terrorise local kiddies with so it all evens out in the end.

Thylacine, I betcha a Cherry Jolly Rancher would make their heads outright explode!

aryk29, thanks for the word. Tribo-luminescent. I like to say it. It sounds like “a low-temperature emanation of light from a nation of Native Americans.” [sub]Must.Not.Use.At.PunBowl.[/sub]

Damn your eyes, Thylacine! I had to click on your link and discover that Bundaberg also makes a peach flavored lolly water as well. Their lemon lime bitters kick world class ass! I’m going to have to ask my local Bevmo manager to order some for their boutique soda collection.

Now, when they say “musk” flavored lifesavers, are they referring to a mastic extract, or do they really squeeze out secretions from a musk ox, musk rat or whatever?

well of course, all our lollies are made of critters :wink:

Musk lifesavers are very similar to musk sticks which most of us grow up on here, they kind of taste like pink. I know that is hard to imagine but if you ate one you would understand. They have also been likened to licking your french teacher but mine was mean so I never tried.