Game of Thrones 3.07 "The Bear and the Maiden Fair" 5/12/13 No book spoilers

Loved the scenes with Jamie and Brienne. Also liked the scene with Dany and her dragons. Ygritte is fun when she’s teasing Jon. Brann and company are the least interesting storyline this season.

I have a far-fetched theory about Theon. I don’t think it’s likely to be correct, but it wouldn’t surprise me–especially after his scenes in this episode. Could all this stuff be in Theon’s head? Like a fever dream or maybe he’s been in a coma this whole time since being whacked on the head at Winterfell. Maybe he’s actually only being tortured in his subconscious by his own guilt and insecurities.

But… if she takes the city, she gets the GOLD and the SHIPS anyway and she gets to break more chains.

Plus another boring episode of everyone’s least favorite game show, “Game of Torturing Greyjoy!”

I get the impression that Theon’s tormentor, if not a professional, is certainly a torture hobbyist.

Don’t forget that we also saw Melisandre and Gendry at King’s Landing.

Kinda surprised GRRM wrote this one, since last year he wrote Blackwater which was a big mover in terms of plot. Not much plot movement in this one. Theon’s situation sucks, we know. Jon and Ygritte have the hots for each other, who thinks what of whose loyalty, yep. I guess it was a big development for Jamie/Brienne, Arya, and Dany is setting her up for a humbling.

They were way way way past the Wall. Also, maybe the White Walkers were just attacking that position and didn’t plan on immediately marching on the Wall too.

I agree with everybody else. Not much happening. The episode was fine, though, in theory I’d like to know the characters a bit better. That would be great if I could see the next episode right after this one. The issue is that I had to wait one week to see this one and will have to wait another week to see the next. That’s why I feel cheated.

Nice but weak episode.

My prefered version so far isthis onewhich has been on youtube since before it was heard in the show. Obviously, you don’t want to read the comments and such if you don’t want to be spoiled.

After watching it again : in fact, every scene is good, interesting, story building, with great lines and acting. I still feel frustrated, but when we’ll have the whole season/show to watch, this episode will stand its ground as well as the others, I think, despite the plot not advancing much.

Some lines I loved :

“How do you know all this? Did your mother teach you?”

“You’ll end up the most popular dead man in town”

“You pay me to kill people who bother you. Evil notions come free” (I like this actor/character a lot, by the way)

Yeah, Bronn is a great character on the show.

I am struck by how this show is really constructed for Binge Watching. I got caught up over the past few months leading up to S3 and consuming ep’s in blasts of 3 or 4 really helps. I am much more comfortable with the “a dozen+ plots, all advancing a bit” structure across a few episodes.

Shoot - maybe I should hold off watching until the season is done and then take them all on in one weekend ;)…

That wasn’t King’s Landing. It was Dragonstone.

No, it was King’s Landing. Gendry said after all he’d been through, he was back to where he started, and she pointed out the Red Keep as “his father’s house”, telling him he was Robert’s son.

So does she plan to make another shadow baby? And if so, who is the target? Joffrey seems obvious, but killing Tywin would be more useful I think.

After the way the first one turned out, if she does then I hope somebody drops a raven to Child Protective Services and has it put into foster care. She’s not a fit parent.

I thought for sure that was coming, too.

As did I, and clearly many others. Jaime never even looked at the guy like he wanted revenge. It kinda bugged me, since Jaime was willing to use his hostage situation to win any number of negotiations - why not throw the guy into the pit and say “really? are you going to kill me and incur the wrath of Tywin?”

About the only thing I could think of is that the actor playing the guy is Noah Taylor, so they aren’t wasting a smallish part on him and he will have more to do later. Or - they are just saving up so Jaime can show himself to be someone more focused on revenge served cold.

Clearly the issue with this episode was, “needs more Stannis”.

Only tangentially related, but here’s something for the Charles Dance (Tywin) fans:

Plus, all the shipwrecks in the water were from the Battle of Blackwater Bay last season.

I did a quick count after watching the episode last night and they touched on 11 independent (though interrelated) plots this week. I think the only one we didn’t see at all was Sam/Gilly. We had:

  1. Rob / Talisa
  2. Jon Snow / Ygritte / Wildlings
  3. Daenarys
  4. Theon
  5. Tyrion / Shae
  6. Joffrey / Tywin
  7. Arya / The Brotherhood / The Hound
  8. Jamie / Brienne
  9. Bran and the others
  10. Sansa / Margaery
  11. Melisandre / Gendry

A pretty full episode considering that, when all is said and done, we’re more or less in the same place that we were in when we started.

Another question. I’m wondering why Daenerys seems so opposed to slavery. It seems odd for her to care about this when her goal is to be the absolute monarch of seven kingdoms. In particular Yunkai seems like a distraction, although 200,000 freed slaves would strengthen her army.