Guy Stuff

Hey, here come the strippers!

Yer pal,

Yea, grab me another. A beer, too.

By the way, I think I left the box of sporting clays in the car with the other case of beer. Can you git one of them lil ladies to go git 'em?

Well, UB, as long as your up. . .might I trouble you for another adult beverage? And is there any more gouda?

Flick Lives!

Hey, GLW, Manhattan, beeeelllllllllllchhh, head’s up, incoming.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Hey guys, brought a wheel of swiss and a wheel of sharp cheddar, and how 'bout that here’s a couple cans of Squeeze cheese. Mmmm, mmm, nothing like squeeze cheese straight from the can.

Hey Uncle Beer,
Could this be a sneak preview of what we might see at the “Columbus or Bust” gathering tomorrow?

“Stop the rope and let me in or I’ll go out and get some gin”

I ain’t tellin’ Otis.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Hey Satan… will ya quit callin Cristi and I strippers… just think of us as a couple of the boys

“Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.”

Yeah. Has the satellite dish been hooked up? I wanna make sure that I can see the Bills games in here.

takes large handful of cheesy poofs, eats them, then tells the joke about the guy who went to the doctor because his dick turned orange

Thanks for the beer!

Did someone say strippers? Oh man, I spent my last few dollars on gas to get here, and those Cheesy Poofs. Sorry.

(goes back to reading Road & Track)

Yeah, swell. Like I want to hang out with a bunch of guys. Isn’t there already a thread here called “Homos please enter”? Enjoy your farts, kids, I’ll be hitting on all your sisters…

Or maybe I’ll stick my hands in ice water for a while and mosey on over to the inane gynecologist thread. Saddle up, ladies!

Back off, man. I’m a scientist.

Way to come in and piss on the party Alph. Damned wet blanket. Just don’t take all the ice.

Dopeler effect:
The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

Strippers, huh? Let’s see now…where’s my wallet…

< lifts one butt cheek to “adjust”, sniffs air and throws dirty looks at UncleBeer >

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.


Whoa! What died in here!

Hey with all that beer going around somebody was bound to piss on something!

Besides, the ladies were doing nothing but wearing sorority sweatpants and piercing each other’s ears.

C’mon Unc! Only chicks hold grudges. Here, I brought some of my Scandinavian porn. Unavailable in the U.S., if ya catch my drift…

Back off, man. I’m a scientist.

Damn, somebody light a match or open a window. Whoooee!

Ugh… I just realized that sounded much creepier than I intended…

Back off, man. I’m a scientist.

burp Throws 9th empty beer can on floor You know…I really love all you guys…I hiccup mean it. Im not just saying that, you hiccup guys and girls are great.

You guys gonna ante up or what?

Just so you know, I got dibs on punching a hole in the wall.

Back off, man. I’m a scientist.