HELP: There's an insect crawling inside my computer's LCD

There’s actually “LCD” in the thread title.

True. And I admit I didn’t notice that until just now, when I revisited the thread.

I’ll try to save face by pointing out that future people may read this thread and think it applies to them…and that some people don’t actually know what LCD versus CRT means. So…um…it was just a random public service.


Is the OP certain it’s not the cursor?

Take a screenshot so we can all see it.

Yes of course!!! :mad: And I’m NOT drunk!!! :mad:

Tonight Mr. Insect has decided to sleep on the “Power Options” icon. If only I could vaporize him with electricity.

How is Mr. Insect doing this morning?

This thread was won in post 5.

Seems to have taken a liking to the red “Follow Up” flag icon in Outlook mail. Or maybe he’s in his last throes, and it’s a call for help.

If he likes that icon, drag it slowly across the screen to get him to a corner (whichever corner will bug you the least, I recommend upper left or right since most people have the taskbar at the bottom and check the time fairly regularly. Squish, done. He’s already in there. He’s going to die at some point. Might as well make it in a convenient place that you don’t look often, as opposed to him dying of natural causes smack-dab in the middle of your screen.

This morning he was gone. I guess he got bored with my screen.

Kind of miss him, already.

He’s probably moved someplace more fun.

Like your bed.

Sleep tight.

Don’t let the…well…never mind…

Turn on your laptop, wait for a few seconds and don’t be surprised when this flashes on your screen -


How do you know this?

Train him/her to spy for you.Or maybe someone else has already trained him/her!

Damn. Came to this thread late, and missed my chance for a nuke-sure way joke. Consider it done retroactively.