Hold up guys - I know who's getting the oscar for best picture

[Condescending attempt to tear the plot apart because it’s not an Indie film shown at Sundance. ]

[Scorn, scorn, scorn.]

[near-tearful rebuttal about how movies are fun, and if I wanted “real life” I’d stay at home]

[…Nothing of substance, I just wanna write something in brackets]

Brackets for everyone!

[shows disdain for the popularity of this production]

[standard Yakov Smirnov reversal joke]

[Bracketed* comment]

*[Brackets are way cooled than parentheses.]

[Dismissive admission of a lack of amusement after four minutes]

[Hitler reference]

[Post mentioning Godwinning]


[Laughter with a hint of pathos at underlying tragedy of the situation]

[Sarcastic comment]

[Predicting how the movie ends based on footage shown in trailer]

[A smiley stating the poster is rolling his eyes in a sarcastic manner]

[Obnoxious insertion of thread-shitting, non-sequitur, political jab]

[post saying I see what you did there with smilie attached]

[Query about whether a perfectly-suited song appears on the soundtrack, though I could have looked it up for myself on IMDB.]

[Mildly snarky post in tone of superiority about seeing this on Fark earlier than the OP.]

[Link to YouTube parody]

[Post that contributes nothing to thread, quoting previous post and “This.”]

Absolutely accurate!

[post saying “what, nobody’s mentioned … before” when, in fact, it was mentioned in the OP]