I Don't Understand People That Take Their Dogs With Them EVERYWHERE They Go.

I don’t drive a car and my one dog gets very anxious when I tie them outside stores and leave them, so they don’t go on errands with me. If I did have a car, they’d be in it for every errand I used it for, because they love to be with me and to ride in cars, and I try to give them as much stimulation as possible. When you have dogs, you usually really love them and enjoy spending time with them. Plus they are so easily pleased, by mundane things such as riding in the car with you - why not indulge them?

I also don’t often take either of them to many neighborhood or social events where dogs are welcome, because they both have a tendency to get overexcited and bark at other dogs they see when they are leashed. They are fantastic with humans though (well, they aren’t friendly enough to please a lot of people - they are laid back though, and don’t jump or lick).

I am a ‘dog person’ and really like dogs, but I don’t think they are people, and bringing an uninvited dog to a party at someone’s house is waaaay over the line.

Great minds think alike:D

What? Sorry dogs are not people they are dogs.

Thanks. I just hate it when people bring aliens to my house:p:D

I wish dog owners would understand that other people don’t feel about their dogs like they do. People who don’t like dogs find them quite annoying (not to mention destructive and dangerous). “Cute” has nothing to do with it.

I would not. I also wouldn’t assume that it’s welcome at your house, though.

Seriously, I like dogs, but if I didn’t invite your dog, then your dog’s not welcome. I get pissed off when people bring their kids without an invitation, never mind their pets.

And some people are downright afraid of them too.

My dog has separation anxiety also but I never bring him anywhere without asking first (And I always couch it by saying feel free to decline). And friends bring their dogs to my house too so we’re golden.

Two of my sisters do this. One of them has (a) only gotten a dog in the last two years after years of loving them, and (b) just seen her only child go halfway across the nation for college, and thus © may well be projecting. I dunno, but I put up with it.

The other is the sister who’s batshit insane. She has this little yippy hound that’s always making a nuisance of itself; she’ll bring it to family dinners at my place and get offended when I say it has to stay in the fenced back yard because it doesn’t like our cats, and since our cats live here they have precedence.

Both these sisters act offended when our baby sister is visiting and stays with me rather than them. This despite the fact that baby sister is quite allergic to does and being in the same room with one quickly finds herself being tortured by her own immune system.

When I had a three year old child, yes, she got bored easily, and she could be destructive. When I went somewhere that was for adult humans only, or somewhere that I was invited to, but not my daughter…I got a babysitter. I did NOT assume that my toddler was welcome everywhere I went.

If I had a dog, then I’d crate train the critter, so that if I had to leave it at home I could put it in its crate. When properly trained, dogs ENJOY being in their crate, it’s their den. Now, a crate can be abused, certainly. But I’ve seen dogs that were properly crate trained, and the crates were usually in an area where the dogs could get to them all the time. And if the dogs wanted some down time, to take a nap, or just to gnaw on a bone, they’d head to the crates and lie down.

This absolutely. The problem isn’t with dog people or parents it’s with impolite people. They wear many hats.

That’s right; as someone who just isn’t thrilled by dogs but isn’t afraid of them, I still don’t want them foisted on me. If I was actually afraid of them, it would be even less cool.

That really does sound nuts. I have three sisters who have dogs, and not one of them would presume to bring their dogs to our two-cat household (where they most assuredly would NOT be welcome)

Yea, I’m in a bit of a sticky situation with a friend of mine. She insists that I bring my dog to her house so that our dogs can play together. Not a problem. But than she assumes that she can bring her dog to my house. Normally this would be fine, but her dog has a medical condition that basically makes it throw up all the time. I do not appreciate my house smelling like dog vomit, but she just doesn’t see the problem.

She also used to bring her dog to work all the time. My husband works for that company and there are still vomit stains on the carpet and she hasn’t worked there for three years…

I think it’s part of her ongoing war with the non-insane sister, who brings her dog over sometimes but takes it straight to the back yard.

This is the kind of shit I am talking about. Unless you work outside and/or for yourself, there’s absolutely no reason to bring a dog to work with you unless you are a blind person.

Just yesterday I saw a car behind me driving erratically. A closer look revealed that there was at least four dogs in the car, one dog head out each window including the driver’s. Unless she was going to the vet, this woman needs to leave her dogs at home.

My dog is a hundred pounds and not particularly friendly, so I would never bring him anywhere uninvited. Those people who show up at my house with a dog without checking first are in for a surprise.

As long as the invites says “NFM and Guest”, and the invite does not specify the guest has to be human, guess what? :smiley:

My dogs go lots of places with me, but I don’t bring them to anybody’s house uninvited, that’s just freaking rude. I have a friend who loves them, I bring them there. They are well behaved and well trained. If they are neither of these on the day, I take them home.

But errands? Sure! Why not? I only take them into the pet store anyway, where they are allowed to go. Otherwise I take them unless I’m going to be inside for more than five minutes. I don’t take them unless have my husband with me to watch them if it’s a walking to the shops errand, which most of my errands are.

We plan our holidays so we can take them with, nothing more fun than walking on the beach with dogs. We pick the area based on if it’s a dog beach or not, and the house we rent for our holiday allows dogs. It’s great fun and cheaper, since we don’t have to board them (just the cats.)

I don’t feel terribly badly about bringing them, either. Dogs aren’t people but they do need some time out of the house, so I give them that, and I enjoy their company. I also spend a lot of time socialising them and hanging out at the dog park and running with them and walking them. It’s what you do if you have a dog, particularly larger dogs.

(Side rant: The park? Big signs there say it’s off leash, 24/7. I take the dogs there, two of them, I let them off the leash, we run and play, I pick up after them. You brought your kid to a park where there are big signs that say they are allowed to be off leash, stop glaring at me and snatching up your children or worse, scolding me for having them off the leash. They are big dogs, I get that. One looks like a pit bull to you, I get that (she’s not.) So what? They aren’t bothering you, bugger off. There are other parks where dogs are not allowed, go there if precious can’t be around dogs. It’s what I would have done when my kid was little. Grrr…)

That’s miserable. I went through that with mine. Hated seeing her on Clomicalm, but it was a case of what else could you do? It eventually lessened with age, and I found that vigorous exercise beforehand left her too tired to get too destructive.

Re the OP, I’m just amused by people carrying their toy breeds everywhere. The sheer entitlement displayed by someone carrying a dog into, say, a grocery store. I doubt the dog carriers would be happy if I walked next to them in the store, with 80 lbs of dog next to me. Such is life.

FWIW, my dog goes with me in the car on most errands, weather permitting. Since I live in Houston, weather doesn’t usually permit it though. Dogs in outdoor bars or cafes don’t bug me, and I wonder why it bugs some people? Do they not see the birds that walk all over the table? It’s not like the place is pristine and sterile; you’re eating outdoors, for cryin’ out loud. Of course, I don’t let the dog get on the table or chairs, nor feed it from the table, nor eliminate anywhere near the tables: I’ve seen all of the above behaviors in US dog-friendly bars/restaurants, unfortunately. Thankfully there are a few bars in Houston where I can bring the pooch after dog park, drink a Saint Arnolds and watch the Astros lose. (There are many, many more in Austin.) One, the Boneyard, is a combination dog park and bar. Saint Dane’s isn’t bad either, though I’m not sure if they still let you bring your dog onto the deck.

You’re right. They’re better than many people. And far less annoying than many peoples’ horrible children. :wink:

Re. the OP. I wouldn’t take a dog to someone’s house uninvited any more than I’d take an uninvited human guest. That’s just rude. I’ll certainly take him with me if it’s a public area where he’s permitted.