I pit your pathetic and boring pit threads

Indeed, 1/10


Oh gawd. It’s open season on the OP, and you may mess with me as you please. The one place you don’t go, is complaining about having to read, because that says a lot more about **you **than it does about me.

You could get a job as a literary critic, and for every book, give one star: “I couldn’t get past the first sentence because I have ADD and I’m too busy touching my nuts.”

*Those *reviews will do gangbusters. :smiley:

It’s cute. it’s like you’re trying to be clever but decided not to.

“Come at me bro” as they say. Tell us why words are so difficult for you to handle. Then you’ll either have a fairer shot at roasting me, or we can assign you like a tutor or something so you can catch up with the rest of the class.

*This *is honesty. All I was looking for.

“The BBQ pit of 2013- Pit meaning the empty space where your nuts used to be.”

Hah! I’m going to think of that sentence every time I read a negative review in the future!

You got it, unfortunately.

I pit pitting pits.

I pit the pitters who pit pitting pits.

I lost interest at this point, long before getting to the wall of underlined text.

They did, but the recently instituted banned dirty words weren’t why the old ones were so great.

If my google fu was better and I cared enough to look for it I’d cite one that included the phrase “I hope you get anally raped by a dozen syphilitic Haitian boat monkeys”. Years later I remember it and I still smile. That is how you insult someone.

It’s also not as if it’s any better on any of the splinter boards. So it’s not that people were driven off by cuntgate.

I think the problem is that everyone takes things so much more seriously now. The old type of pit threads require a little bit of levity to produce. When you are really angry, you don’t have the desire to come up with fancy insults nor make a decent presentation.

And, dude, the reason we’re commenting on the length of your rant is not that we can’t read, but that you would up saying very little. It’s not even original–this topic comes up in pretty much every other pit thread.

You used a lot of words to say nothing of interest. And this is the pit. You tell us something bugs you, and that’s just bait. I hope you were using reverse psychology.

Like most people, I find there are far more things to read than I have time for in a given day. Right now, I it find more rewarding to use the time I have available to read The Girl Who Played With Fire, instead of your OP. No offense intended.

Jeepers, say it, don’t spray it!

So now you pitters are pitting spitters?

Let me guess. You once started a pit thread that got you a bunch of attention, and this is the best you could come up with as a second effort.


This is what you get for encouraging him last time, you fools.

This is embarrassingly shitty. Come back when have point.

:smiley: Uh oh, pointed out that the pit threads of late have been lame as hell, and from the reactions, my conclusion is- folks just can’t handle the criticism.

Hit too close to home for comfort, eh?

So far, the best folks have come up with as a retort is complaints about having to read words (on a text-based forum! How dare he!) and a reminder that I posted another pit thread which got a warmer reception (OOOOOH, burn!)

Not only do your pit threads suck, but your flaming is not even heating up my frozen hot dog. Take two aspirin for the butthurt you must be feeling, or come up with better insults.

Guy posts Pit thread you don’t like/find not entertaining. If only it were posted somewhere where you could hit back with witty replies, cutting insults, or barbed observations.

Have some pride and actually burn me if you’re going to burn me. Prove me wrong. If you’re going to complain that you weren’t entertained, could you do it in a less boring way?

There’ll be no cornicione from me. I, for one enjoyed the friction factor and your cutter panning style.

Pate fermente? So what. Add me to your newsletter with the extra anchovies.

Could you?

I believe the phrase you are looking for is “Come at me bro!”.
I am in awe of your internet “Tough Guy” bravado.