In the Begining

Hippos are the most dangerous mammals in Africa. I’d steer clear of them.

I ignore both suggestions and when they’re not looking, I take a trip to see some dinosaurs. I’m assuming that if the machine would keep me from being harmed by the conditions of the formation of the universe, a T. rex isn’t going to make a dent in it.

I mean, both of their ideas are nice, and all, but c’mon… dinosaurs!

If you go forward in time you might get ROBOT DINOSAURS! They’re like dinosaurs but better because they’re robots.

Yes. It’s the Big Bang Burger Bar. (Reference: The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.)

Travel back 3.5 billion years, lean out the window and sneeze.

Return home and win Nobel prize for Biology for finally explaining Abiogenesis.

Not a debate.

Off to IMHO.

No, what you want to film is the zombie invasion of Jerusalem. Matthew says that when Jesus died, “**27:52 ** the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.”

So you could film not only Jesus, but Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, Elishah, etc. Maybe even Adam and Noah.

It always amazes me how few people have heard of this event, even though it appears in one of the most read and quoted chapters of the Bible.

It’s almost as if even priests can see that it’s obviously false, and should not be mentioned.

But you’ll probably step on a flower and then when you get back Hitler will have won World War II.

Well, anybody instead of that fool weakling Keith.

Haha yeah that’s one of my favorite parts of the Bible. Hardly anyone knows about it.

Nah, I wanna bump off Paul of Tarsus.

Yeah, but I’m not especially eager to destroy Christianity overall, just the pious hypocritical parts of it that allow the rationalizing of someone’s else suffering and denial for “the greater good”.

On the other hand, it might rain jelly doughnuts when he gets back.

I thought about this on and off since I saw it.

While going back to around 0 AD-CE/BC-BCE would be interesting it it’s own respect, there is the issue of finding the Lord, and since the Lord lives today and does walk among us, we can find Him today as well, which is proof of the resurrection.

But going back to the moment of creation, the conception or birth of our mother universe as a little child of God is intriguing, or perhaps it would be our conception inside her. It also would depend on what level we would witness it. Also since it is a act of pro-creation that gave birth to our universe, I wouldn’t want to um interrupt any private moments going on. Barging in at the wrong time could spoil the moment and then that’s it, which forms those paradoxes we see on back to the future, and it would be hard to get plutonium or even a lightning strike before the universe was created.

Though perhaps we would see it from our perspective, such as the creation being spoken of by Mommy Universe and Father God, as they speak of good things that have planned for their children (us), those things appear for us in the creation they have formed for us, and we will see them appear around us. Also might be a good idea to bring a snake trap along :wink:

It’s a persuasive argument, I must confess.

Ironically, the best bet to find Jesus might be to go back a few years after the crucifiction and see what people are actually saying then. If you want to be reliable, it might be better to go a bit earlier and hope to hear about things like the furore over Jesus turning moneylenders out of the temple, but you’d have to spend several years living in a period of time when people are commonly crucified and you probably don’t speek amaraic or greek or whatever.


The scientists invented and built the time machine but then the congressional commitee on creation study stepped in to determine the best usage. After much debate it was decided that the scientist can either destroy the machine, and themselves, in the big bang or they can use the machine to try to prove that Christianity is factually correct. Tough call. For some reason, scientists stopped working on time machine technology after that.

An interesting idea. Since despite Luke’s best efforts, we don’t seem to know just when Jesus was born. Surely before 4 BC when Herod died. But how long before? I don’t remember any questions about his 33 years of life. So that would put his death in the spring of 29 AD or sooner. So go back to then and either witness the crucifiction, or see if it is still a hot topic. Would the Jews still be claiming the disciples stole the body? Could you track down Peter?

In a number of threads here it sounds to me like people are suggesting this whole Christianity thing was made up over a 100 years later or more. Yet we have Nero persecuting Christians and I always understood blaming them for burning Rome in 64 AD.

It didn’t work out so well when Karl Glogauer made the trip.