Is my scale broken or did I really shit 5 pounds?

Ok, I found it. Its from More of The Straight Dope, p.380-381.

Here’s what Cecil said:

Its been 15 years since that was written, so maybe someone has done further research on this.

This Snopes article suggests something about the weight of impacted feces removed from a man complaining of severe constipation:

So I have a hard time believing that all six pounds was due to solid waste. My guestimate:

Solid waste: .75 lbs
Liquid waste: .75 lbs
Perspiration from pushing too hard: .00001 lbs
Scale error: 4.49999 lbs


Is your fart lighter than air? I thought so.

I always thought it was just hot air rising. Are we sure that fart is lighter than air, and if so, why?

Did you read my post (its just two posts above yours)? Let me quote myself quoting Cecil Adams:

Reading yet another thread about poop: Priceless.

Go crazy

Depends to some extend on what you eat and how often you defecate.
Eat a lot and allow it to accumulate to FILL the bowel or lower intestine.
Weight the result(s) collect liquids & solids. Weigh on something a bit more accurate then run of the mill bathroom scales.
There is some risk of impacted bowels in doing such an experiment.
Caveat Emptor!

There’s a very good novel by Robertson Davies called The Rebel Angels in which one of the characters in it is a professor who studies shit. I highly recommend it.