Is pissing in public (as in behind some bushes) such a bad thing??

It’s just another example of something that isn’t particularly wrong, under most circumstances, but still needs to be illegal for obvious reasons.

I have no problem with it, except in enclosed areas like stairwells and pedestrian tunnels where it’s going to smell.

Reminds me of a cartoon showing three dogs in front of a house with a For Sale/Sold sign. The agent dog says to the buyer dogs, “Well, the down payment has cleared and the paperwork is filed – as soon as you pee on the lawn, the place is yours.”

Other than the woods I haven’t. Uh, not counting when I was 4 or 5 and pissed outside. I did this because had I come inside to do so my mother would have said “Ok, you’ve been out long enough. Time to stay inside for a while.”

Just don’t be like my uncle and get a bad case of the runs after a Steelers game and be forced to go behind the dumpsters…

Or the entire Tenderloin district of SF. Seriously. If you must, then at least try to get the urine into a planted area.

Got a cite here? I read in the paper a while ago that one city in CA found out it didn’t have a law against it, and thus guys couldn;t be arrested. CA does have an indecent exposure law 314 but it requires *"314. Every person who willfully and lewdly, either:

 1. Exposes his person, or the private parts thereof, in any

public place, or in any place where there are present other persons
to be offended or annoyed thereby; or,*

Bolding mine.

Now, sure, cops have arrested dudes for 314 for public urination.

Serves him right for being a Steelers fan!

I’m a girl, and I’ve been known to pee in all sorts of strange places. But I never do it anywhere that it could actually cause a problem/smell/etc for anyone else. I’ve even done it in the middle of the road.

Sorry… I found this link (actually, the link to the actual photos) quite interesting, and had to start another thread, as it was going away from this discussion.

This makes no sense since Public Parks are the most natural environments in an urban setting.

If my aunt is to be believed, she says people in Beijing drop deuces in the park.

Back in the early 70’s I spent some time in Lagos, Nigeria doing preliminary design on a bridge project. No jetways at Lagos International, wo we were all bused from the plane to the terminal. First sign I saw in Lagos was a HUGE one, just as we were debussing.


So we didn’t.

Don’t Whiz On The Electric Fence


You gotta know when hold em…know when to fold em…know when to walk away…know when to run…

If it’s an emergency, okay. But if you just can’t bother to hold it in a little longer or don’t have the foresight to whiz before you leave a bar or house… well, it really doesn’t put you much above a dog. Even toddlers can hold it in while Mom or Dad looks for a washroom.

Pissing(and shitting) is permissible on any patch of dirt of decent size. On concrete, less so, as concrete won’t soak it up, and there are few microorganisms on concrete that will break it down, leading to a nasty piss smell. Inside, pissing is only ok in specialized receptacles unless the emergency is dire.

It is also ok into any natural body of water. Not ok for swimming pools.

And being placed on a sex offender registry for performing a natural bodily function is a travesty. If you are standing in front of a pre school playground waving it at the kids, sure, thats no good. If its behind a bush at the edge of a park, or behind a dumpster somewhere, then no… the worst that should be considered to be is a minor misdemeanor like a parking ticket.

In India I saw many walls along streets with a cryptic message written in big letters:


Men could be seen regularly standing directly under this admonition, drenching the wall quite unconcernedly.

The message could only hope to get across to the subset of men who could read English. Let alone the puzzling ambiguity of the text.
Don’t pass (by, stick around, because) your inn (lodging is) here.
Don’t pass (no soccer plays here), you’re in here (you couldn’t be in anywhere else at the moment).
Don’t pass (i.e. be taken as a member of a group you really don’t belong to; you don’t have to, because) you’re in here (you’re already accepted into the clique).

Pissing on buildings not only smells but, if done on a regular basis, erodes the brickwork. It was such a problem in the West End of London that Westminster Council have installed on-street urinals.

I haven’t felt the need to use them myself but have seen others using them and they are quite discreet (unless, I assume, someone steps away before zipping).

In Oklahoma, it is labeled Outraging Public Decency and is a misdemeanor. Blake Griffin, our future #1 NBA pick, got a ticket for it.