Peeing in Public

Is it really so bad. I mean when you gotta go you gotta go. If I see some body peeing, I just laugh and say I bet they are embarrassed for being caught. Anyway, remember the Seinfeld episode about them getting in trouble for taking a leak in the garage. I think that was bull they weren’t being obvious they found a little corner so I don’t thing they should have got in trouble.

One time on the way to SA for Corpus Christi I had my wife pull over so I could go(no restroom around when I had to go). I went up by the front tire bent over sorta like I was looking at it and relieved myself. Nobody could really see what I was doing so what the harm. Well a DPS cop saw me from a bridge over the freeway no less because he pulled us over. He was probably going to write me a ticket but then he got called on an emergency call. Man, that was lucky and it was the first time ever that has happened to me. Anyway, if it wasn’t for the emergency call I think he would have given me a ticket that would have been bull.

Man who made this public urination bit against the law in the first place. As long as your discreet and not blatent about it I don’t think it should be against the law. I mean when you gotta go you gotta go.

Where is the wildest place you have ever taken a leak? And have you ever been hassled by “the man” for doing such?

There was an article about this in our local paper a few years back. All the police said if you are being discreet, they will not arrest you for “public urination.” I knew someone who was a cop for 25 years, and the only person he ever arrested was a guy peeing from a statue in the middle of a traffic circle with 5 two way streets leading from it at 1:00 in the afternoon.

I have some friends who used to live within walking distance of some good bars. Between their house and the bars was a park with a fountain. It became a ritual, when they were staggering back home all drunk, to stop and urinate in the fountain. I may have, er, joined them once or twice.

It wasn’t very discrete. If we’d gotten a ticket, I wouldn’t have contested it.


Thanks for answering. Funny, I thought more people would respond to this post. I mean everybody has done it and if they say they haven’t they are lieing.

Anyway I was wondering in that some 25 years how many people were sighted for it? You know given a ticket. As far as the statue thing yea he should have been arrested.

Also I thought of another funny. Have you ever seen “Dirty Work” with Norm Mcdonald. Anyway him and his half brother are up on a roof and his half brother is taking a piss off the roof. When of sudden you hear I yelling “what the hell are you peeing on me you moron I’m going to kick you butt” from below. I laughed so hard.

I pee in the backyard all the time. Or, well, whenever my wife’s taking a bath, anyway. I know that doesn’t sound “public,” but our yard is bordered by a low fence and is visible from three surrounding yards. Counts for me.

Okay so this is a story about something that resulted in peeing in a public/not so public place. I was at a girl’s birthday party which was being held in a house that was empty and for sale (her father’s aunt had owned and was now dececed.) Anyway, after many drinks I was feeling the call of nature pretty bad and so were a couple of my girlfriends. The bathroom was “in use” at that moment by a very drunk couple. So we went outside behind a bush in the middle of the back yard. It was night time so no one could really see what we were doing, but I guess this is still concidered in public. We all crouched down in the grass and relieved ourselves then went back inside to enjoy the rest of our evening.

Well the next day I woke up with a terrible itch “down there”. Upon inspection, I discovered 3 mosquito bites! At first I was like “What the hell??” Then I remembered that brief instance where I had been exposed to the night’s air and some very adventureous mosquitos when using the bathroom behind the bush the night before. So I had to endure at least 3 days of unsuccessfully resisting the need to scratch myself. :rolleyes:

Depends on where you do it. In a grassy area where the ground will absorb the urine, may be OK. In a parking deck or on an elevator where no rain ever penetrates, not so good. Come to think of it, peeing on concrete or asphalt is not good, as the aroma lingers until the next good rain.

As an urban dweller who has had a few too many encounters with the distinctive aroma of human urine, I can’t say I’m a big fan of public urination.

Side note: In Guatemala (from what I’ve been told, and from what I’ve observed), it seems to be a perfectly accepted custom for men to stop what they are doing and take a whiz whenever and wherever. Anybody know if that’s true in any other countries?

Cool. Kinda like a cow or a horse huh? Just whereever they are they just start doing their business huh? How about in a resteraunt?( I hope they don’t do in in the buffet line)

The only reason I know what color the inside of the Fluvanna County, Virginia jail is is because I was charged with urinating in public on the side of Interstate 64.


They threw you in jail for that? Man, that bites.

Back in 1998 when UK won the NCAA Tournament (yeah, boyee!), I was joining in the merriment being made at what is now known as Celebration Corner.

Having consumed my weight in beer and celebrated the final buzzer with a few shots of Maker’s Mark, the urge came strong and fast. Of course, there were no legitimate places to pee, being an impromptu fest. At the time, I was in front of, ironically, the house that I live in now, and I debated whether or not I should go use the backyard to drain the lizard. I really didn’t have any choice, so off I went.

When I got around back, there were at least six guys lined up along the back wall of the house who had the same idea I did. Three of them turned around and waved.

I stepped up and joined the party. Without a doubt, the most memorable piss I ever took.

Dr. J

Not if you are from a fairly small town, as I am. Some years ago I and a friend of mine had been out drinking. He walked down the street to a discreet place to relieve himself. Turns out there was a cop parked back out in the alley watching people, he came around and wrote him up for urinating in public. Two weeks later I was out with the same friend. I had to go, so I went to the edge of the parking lot by some trees. The same cop as last time was driving through the lot, yelled out “Get that back in yer britches, boy!” He then drove down to the edge of the lot and wandered off into the trees. :confused: Maybe he had to take a leak, too.

My urinatin’ ways eventually caught up with me, however. I was busted for it during a friend’s bachelor party a few years ago. We were waiting on some people who had gone into a store to pick up some beer; one guy took a whizz right in the middle of the lot (a busy lot), no problem. I wasn’t quite as brave, so I wandered around to the side of the store. Busted. Cost me 50 dollars, that piss did.

Never been there, but I’ve always been told that’s the way it is in France. Maybe some other European (heheh, he said “Yer-a-peein’”) countries too, I don’t knkow.

Wildest Bill, You were ging from Corpus to SA, and YOU COULDN"T FIND A BATHROOM??? WHATTYA THINK THINK IT IS, THE STICKS???

(For those in other parts, South Texas is the sticks. I once got lost going from Corpus to Austin and went 40+ miles without seeing any sign of where I was, no road signs, no buildings, nothing.)

A buddy of mine and I were in Hudson, WI on a late-night beer run. We bought a couple 12-packs, and on the way back to the car, he stopped to tap off a few psi.

He got busted by a female cop that wrote him up for Indecent Conduct. Her closing line was priceless: “I would’ve made it out for Indecent Exposure, but I couldn’t see anything.”

Friend of mine got busted for indecent exposure for taking a whiz behind the warehouse where his band practiced. The guy who had the key was late and he had to go…

I don’t have a problem with a guy slipping around behind a building, vehicle, tree whatever, if he really, really has to go. I did have a problem with the drunk who was standing on the grass next to the sidewalk who unzipped and let go on the sidewalk, didn’t even have the decency to turn his back, as I was walking by. I think he missed me by less than a foot.

By the way, guys, it must be nice to be able to simply unzip, point and shoot. Try being a woman who desparately has to pee and is miles from the nearest bathroom…

Doesn’t Ozzy Osborne have a story about having an urgent pee at the Alamo or somewhere, and getting told off by a cop? As I recall, he didn’t get arrested - the cop said things about it being very disrespectful etc. and how would you like it if I went to England and did that to Buckingham Palace. (Obvious answer really, "Couldn’t give a **** mate, I don’t live there.) Hmmm, it begins to sound as though he would have been arrested, really.

Pheebee, I’d have helped you scratch them if you needed it! :slight_smile:

Well, when you’ve got to go you’ve just got to go. However I know from long experience that parts of Amsterdam, end up smelling like huge outdoor urinals when it hasn’t rained for a while in the summer because of all the guys who decide to take a whiz in the alleys. Its not a pleasant thing. Strangely enough you very rarely see guys releiving themselves in the canals.

I’ve never been there, so I can’t say if it’s true; but I have read that in Rome they have urinals right on the streets. If the urinals weren’t there, the men (and not just homeless men by any means) would pee on the sidewalks.

On a personal note, I pee in the woods almost every time I got for a hike. That’s why I only go hiking on days I know the trails aren’t going to be crowded. I never thought I could get ticketed for it. Then again, I’m probably safe. How many cops do you know who would willingly trudge halfway up a mountain?

If I really have to go and there’s no bathroom handy, I’ll find the nearest secluded spot and let fly. Usually in the ever present bushes you find behind buildings.

However, if you go for a hike, I highly reccomend peeing off a cliff. It’s oddly satisfying.