When’s the last time you peed outside, where, and why?
Me: About 1/2 an hour ago, behind the shed, it was cold, dark, and I should have gone before I took the garbage out.
When’s the last time you peed outside, where, and why?
Me: About 1/2 an hour ago, behind the shed, it was cold, dark, and I should have gone before I took the garbage out.
I mostly pee outside. I can go days without peeing indoors. I prefer it and I feel it saves water.
Never date a woman who can’t pee outside.
I have only anecdotal evidence, nothing that would stand up to a “Cite?”.
It’s true anyway.
I pee outside pretty often. I honestly think it feels better, especially when you get to pee on a tree. I almost always do it when I’m drunk and outside. What’s even better is that in Japan you can have alcohol in public, so you can pee on a tree while smoking a grit and drinking a beer, the kinda thing that makes life worth living
edit for typos typos typos
either today, or saturday can’t remember
Here in Dallas they have a vigilante group that will take snap shots of you peeing outside if you do it on Lower Greenvile. Then they’ll post it on their website.
It’s a popular area lined with Bars and other sorts of Night life stuff. Problem is this area sets right snak in the middle of a residential area. So the home owners around there get pretty pissed at all the party goers pissing on their lawn.
Anyway, the cite was always good for a laugh. Some of the looks on these peoples faces when they were getting their photo snaped while pissing outside is classic.
I piss on the lemon tree and mango in my back yard every night. Hey, I’m a greenie and I love the fresh night air and looking at the stars when I do. I do refuse to crap on the peach tree though.
Saturday night. I live in a tiny 1 bathroom house on acreage; I have no problems dropping trou behind the hay pile.
Just a few minutes ago. Why let my pee go to waste in the septic system, when I can spread it around and establish my territory? For a while my neighbors had a dog who’d go apeshit whenever he saw me, but would get absolutely apoplectic when I’d go pee along the property line. (Yes, I did it to deliberately piss him off.) So…this is my garden, this is my driveway, this is my hedge line…oh yeah, over here, too…
Honey? Is that you??
My husband pees down the hill into the woods. A lot. He and his buddy pee outside so much that I’m considering nailing a “Men’s Room” sign on the tree next to the garage.
It saves water. I call it “contributing nitrogen to my vegetable friends.”
I drop trou if I am on a road trip, and between bathrooms and i got to go … and I have been known to hie out into the woods to emulate a bear when the power is out though now I am a gimp that probably wont happen [got a camp toilet that uses bags filled with some sort of absorbant sanitizer stuff for when that happens and I cant get the generator started to pump water for the bathroom.]
I dont see what the big deal is, the tp I use on the road goes into a zippy bag and gets disposed of at the next available trash can so all i am leaving is a bit of very biodegradable matter [either liquid or solid] and to be perfectly blunt, all humans fall into one of 3 categories, male genetalia, female genitalia and intersex. If you are driving past and accidently see someone off in the shrubery emulating a bear, deal with it. The sight of a body wont kill you and it beats pissing ones pants…
It has been recent, but I don’t know when for sure. I live in a very rural area and if I’m out far enough that going back to the house would be a chore, I make sure no one can see and I go.
My place is surrounded by trees, so no one could easily see me.
Last night. I live in the woods. It’s not that I’m worried about wasting water, as that’s a non-issue here. It’s just convenient and there’s no reason to go back to the house just to waste electricity pumping water to flush the toilet.
Sunday, south parking lot outside of Soldier Field before the Bears game. Once right before we went in at about 11, again when we finally packed up to leave after the post-game tailgate. Nothing like warm pee on cold asphalt and the resulting steambath.
That’s one thing I miss about growing up in the country. It feels so…efficient. I’ve lived in cities for so long that I haven’t peed outside in ages. It’s gotta be over 10 years.
I remember learning to pee outside when I was 3 or so. I’d follow my mom to the garden, and when I had to go it would have taken far too much time to take me back to the house. The problem was, I’d pee in my shoes every time. (I’m a girl.) So I’d end up running around barefoot until Mom finished, and then she’d have to take me in and give me a bath. I don’t know why she persevered. Took me at least a year to figure it out.
This uis supposed to be one of the perks of Bohemian Grove:
Last night in my local city park, in right field of one of the baseball diamonds. The sun had just gone down, it was dark, and I was running the dog around alone.
… to Grandmother’s house we go.
Last week at a hunting ranch while sitting around a firepit. That water disappeared from a Scottish brook about 20 years ago, sat in a cask for 18 and then comes flying out onto some south Texas caliche. What a trip.