It Doesn't Rain But It Pours - Inside. In My Furnace Room.

Failure to pay employees is considered bad form, traditionally.

The specific term is “Theft of Services”

You might want to check local laws. The going rate for it is treble damages (they owe you 3x what they should have paid you)

Not sure if there’s anything useful in this article or maybe the comments, but Lifehacker just had an article titled What should I do if my employer stops paying me?

Thank you sooooo much for those last two posts.

I’ve been trying to contact the bosses to work this out, but if they insist on stonewalling me I’ll have no choice to not only look for new work (I already got an offer for some temp labor clearing trees and brush out of a lot - raining today so not happening right now but next clear day I may make a few bucks) but contact the relevant authorities. I’d be happy with just what’s owed me, but if I three times that…

Well, would absolutely kill my relationship with these two but I have no choice, I have to take care of my household.

You wouldn’t be the one killing your relationship, they’re already doing so.

Ok, I’ll now continue ceasing and desisting.

Personally, I think it could be called mercy killing.

Who? Your employer, or “Mr” Ducca? I’m not getting what you’re getting at, here. Call me stupid.

Best of luck. I only do this place in small doses anymore, so I’m just dropping you a hopeful wish for better things to come, and better will come.

It’s “Mr Ducca”, not “Mr” Ducca. Stupid.

I solved a leak around my chimney (temporarily) with foam insulation applied from the attic side. when the weather gets nice I’ll re-flash the area from above.

Ok, thanks, “Mr kayaker”, asshole. :smiley:

… Maybe you should contact the police? Just to do a welfare check, maybe? That sounds like something more than just ducking your calls.

And honestly, after you rebuild your roof, you should probably start sending out resumes.

Report them to the labor board and move on.

I was referring to the moribund relationship between me and my soon to be former employers.

The landlord got up on the roof Monday when we had a break in the weather and made temporary repairs. They’re not perfect - we have buckets out and need them - but it’s nowhere near as bad as it was.

Based on emptying two 30 gallon buckets 6-8 times (we we rather busy to keep a perfect count, and they weren’t completely full when we emptied them) plus the other buckets and that a LOT of the water did not get caught and wound up on the floor… that’s over 240 gallons coming through the roof on Monday morning. Right now, it’s taking about 8+ hours for the buckets to fill up. Although I really wish I had emptied them just before bed, as the 3 am wake up this morning was [expletives deleted]

I strongly suspect call ducking is all that is, although potential dark humor involved in doing that makes it insidiously attractive at the moment.

Not going to wait that long. I’ve already started looking

Thursday 10:30 am is the deadline I’ve set. If no money by than that’s exactly what I’ll do. I’ll also pass that info on to my co-workers who likewise have not been paid.

Don’t call others names outside the Pit, even jokingly…because then another fine line of “What is/isn’t allowed” comes to a head.

No warning, just a note.

Ummm. . .I thought we were just playing around??? I followed Cheshire’s request.

We cool, C?

OK. I assumed it was the Pit, and didn’t check, myself. I’ll be sure to do so, next time.


shakes hands