Late October 2012 Botticelli

I am not Earl Boykins
I am not James Black

The letter is B

  1. My last name begins with B

IQ: Is an internet game named after you? :wink:

You know what’s sad? I had to think about it for a minute. No, I am not Botticelli.

Sorry Miss, but I LOLed!

I blame the alcohol. :smiley:

Yes, Barry Longyear.
Tom Bosley, in Happy Days and Father Dowling Mysteries.
Frodo Baggins.




Did you take part in an SNL B&W video spoof the same year you ran for President?
Did you give an umbrella as an ironic gift?
Did a young Helen Mirren play your girlfriend?

At 5’-5", Boykins is 2" taller than Muggsy Bogues. The third was Amity Island police chief Martin Brody in Jaws.

DQ: Are you American?
DQ: Are you associated with the arts?

I am not Bill Clinton
Take 2 DQs

The letter is B

  1. My last name starts with B
  2. I am female
  3. I am real
  4. I am not American
  5. I am not associated with the Arts

IQ: Are you a French feminist writer?

IQ: Were you the first woman elected to lead a Muslim state?
IQ: Did your first video (for the “worst song ever”) go viral?
IQ: Did you formulate a famous philosophical/apologetic gambit?

IQ1: Are you a German theologian?

IQ2: Are you a regal astrophysicist?

IQ3: Are you a knight of the round table?

I am not Elisabeth Badinter

I am not Benazir Bhutto
I am not Rebecca Black

I am not Bedivere

B&W? Clinton? No. It was Bruce Babbitt, in 1988, appearing in a fake video of him trying to get through a ten-items-or-less supermarket line with too many groceries.
Bilbo Baggins, on his eleventy-first birthday, to a relative who was always borrowing and losing umbrellas.
Bob Hoskins, in The Long Good Friday.


Now living?


Did you create a famous choreography of The Nutcracker?
Did you shoot John Wilkes Booth?
Did you once spit grapes against a car window?

I was actually thinking Bovary. I’ll cede the DQ.

The letter is B

  1. My last name starts with B
  2. I am female
  3. I am real
  4. I am not American
  5. I am not associated with the Arts
  6. I am deceased
  7. I am European
  8. I, personally, am not involved in politics or the military

I am not George Balanchine

Blaise Pascal (Pascal’s wager).

DQ: Were you born before 1900?

The letter is B

  1. My last name starts with B
  2. I am female
  3. I am real
  4. I am not American
  5. I am not associated with the Arts
  6. I am deceased
  7. I am European
  8. I, personally, am not involved in politics or the military
  9. I was born before 1900

Bedivere counts, indeed.

  1. was Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the Lutheran pastor and theologian who opposed the Nazi regime. He was imprisoned in 1943 and hanged just before the end of World War II.

  2. was Brian May, Ph.D., guitarist for Queen who recently was awarded his doctorate in Astrophysics.

DQ1: Did you die before 1950?

DQ2: Are you German?
IQ1: Were you and your recent husband found dead in a bunker?

IQ2: Are you and your brother Lionel knights of the Round Table?

IQ3: Do horses whinny in fear at the sound of your name?