Botticelli - October 2021

New month, new person

I am C

1. Did you travel in a transformed pumpkin?
2. Were you Marsh’s dinosaur-bone-hunting rival?
3. Aside from your acting career, did you write Delusions of Grandma and other novels (set in contemporary times, on this planet)?

I am not Cinderella, DQ, I am not Carrie Fisher


  1. Were you a French Neo-Classical painter whose numerous landscapes influenced the Impressionists?
  2. Did you say, in Latin, “Big book, big evil”?
  3. Were you a member of Top Cat’s gang?

2 was Edward Drinker Cope; 1 and 3 were correct.

DQ: real?

1. Did you create Bombie the Zombie?
2. Did you play Tracy, the title character of How I Met Your Mother (besides Ted)?
3. Did you represent John Scopes?

I am not Corot, DQ, DQ

DQ, DQ, I am not Clarence Darrow

I am C

  1. Real

Corot is correct.
#2 was Callimachus.
#3 was Choo-Choo.


  1. Male?
  2. Last name starts with C?

I am C

  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. First name begins with C


  1. Did you play the Governor in The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas?
  2. Did you team with Dudley Moore for one of Britain’s great comedy acts?
  3. Did you create the character “Father Brown”?

DQ, I am not Peter Cook, I am not GK Chesterton

#1 was Charles Durning. Correct on the others.

DQ: Living?

I am C

  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. First name begins with C
  4. Deceased

1 was Carl Barks; 2 was Cristin Milioti. 3 is correct.

1. known from the arts?
2. American?

I am C

  1. Real
  2. Male
  3. First name begins with C
  4. Deceased
  5. Known from the Arts
  6. Not American

IQ1: Was your only film directing credit the source of the famous L-O-V-E/H-A-T-E finger tattoos trope?
IQ2: Was your grave marker defaced to indicate you burn in hell?
IQ3: Were you the singer for Soundgarden and Audioslave?


  1. Are you remembered as “The Arch-Impressionist”?
  2. Did you write Pinocchio?
  3. Did you write Pirate Latitudes and Micro?

1. Are you the most prominent vampire in children’s educational television?
2. Were you a Victorian landscaper?
3. Did you cover a 1979 song by Robert Hazard for your debut album four years later?

(And, because I keep forgetting: belated congrats, Miss Take!)

Yes, congrats. Here’s a link to last month’s thread: Botticelli - Sept. 2021

C it is.


Were you a master blackmailer taken on by Sherlock Holmes?
Are you the monarch by the end of Jeffrey Archer’s political novel First Among Equals?
Did you record “letters” to your spinster sister back in Boston?

DQ, DQ, I am not Chris Cornell

I am not Claude Monet, DQ, I am not Michael Crichton

I am not Sesame Street’s Count von Count, DQ, I am not Cyndi Lauper
(and thank you!)

I am not Charles Milverton, DQ, DQ