Let's create the worst TV show possible

Ted McGinley is the lead.

A few suggestions that folks may want to jump on and develop…

Clayton Nerdlinger: Certified Public Accountant. Join Clayton each week, as he pores over his clients’ taxes, answers phone queries about dependants, and advises on whether cash register ink is deductible if the client enjoys the aroma.

Room 12. School drama, set in an elementary school. Miss McLennan tries to teach her Grade 4 class the basics, while dealing with crises such as children not getting Valentines, not getting invited to each other’s birthday parties, and not getting picked for teams at recess.

Desk COPS. Wonder what happens after police on the TV show “COPS” do their thing? Hard questioning (“Name? Date of birth?”), severe interrogation (“You want some coffee? How do you take it?”), and constitutional rights (“You want to phone a lawyer? Sure, here’s the phone, you need a number?”), and mountains of paperwork combine in this “behind the scenes” reality show.

And it co-stars Gilbert Gottfried, Andy Dick, Rob Schneider, David Spade and Roseanne Barr.

We have to get some Disney-esque action going here. Said wise-cracking black sidekick is actually a voice-over for an animated dragonette who accompanies the young protagonist out into the world. There is no explanation for where this sidekick came from or why it is animated.

At least one of the other characters has a porn 'stache. This character is not necessarily male.

In order to cash in on the “Brony” phenomena there are occasional short cartoon interludes, like Itchy & Scratchy on The Simpsons, modeled on My Little Pony; FIM

Except it’s soft porn (ie, as close to real porn as you can get away with on TV) and the ponies all have large breasts.

Even the male ones? Ew.

<points at thread title>


Especially the male ones.

All of whom are nuns.

The musical background consists of William Hung songs.

  1. Each episode is 3 hours long.

  2. One character always has a screaming baby in his/her arms, but no one does anything about it.

  3. Poochie cameos.

Not just any William Hung song, but this one, over and over, in a loop, cranked up to 11

It’s filmed in Chinese, with large yellow subtitles in German, and dubbed in English with a heavy stereotypical Brooklyn accent. With only one voice actress, one of those squeaky-voiced women who sounds like they huff helium.

The parting shot of every episode is a close-up of Betty White, in blackface and baggie suit, in the reprised role of Amos and Andy’s “Kingfish.” As the closing theme song swells and the camera zooms in tight on her face, Betty mugs and delivers the same line every week, “All I kin say is when you finds yo’self wanderin’ in a peach orchard, ya don’t go lookin’ for rutabagas.”

It’s already been done.

and they live next door to the Hitlers.

Awwww… that was actually sweet.
Didn’t feel like incest to me.
But, if they had left the room together without Mom waking… then hmmmm…

I’ve been thinking how to keep viewers tuned in against their will to increase the hate factor. I’m thinking some type of lottery, but to win you have to call in within10 seconds after they flash your winning 32-digit ticket number on the screen.

“Winning” simply means the assassin squad hiding outside will spare your life. No guarantees about the pets.

Too much?

Yeah, too much.
I mean there are ‘reality shows’ and then there are REALITY SHOWS.
And no guarantees on pets is just mean.

ETA: But we are talking about the Worst possible show, right?
You may have it.

Just toss in a random drive-by slaying, and we have a formula.

I want to see a comedy series based around Dennis Hopper’s character from Blue Velvet.
The laugh track should play unceasingly, so you know it’s a comedy, and the show is just about his general life