(Old) Funny things you overheard in the MMP

Happy New MMP Day!
Today is a travel day. Since it’s a short flight, I don’t have to leave the house until 2 pm, which is nice. I’ll finish my coffee and do the Wordle, then start packing.

When I worked at the Zoo, I’d overhear a lot of amusing kid-isms. Nothing specific sticks in my aging brain, though. I mostly enjoyed dealing with kids at that job, but nearly every day there was confirmation that I’d made the right decision to not have any of my own.

Hippy, great quilt! I find that color palette very relaxing.

FCM, whew! It just never stops for you. Good luck with the MIL move; I hope it all goes smoothly for you.

Coppertone, it sounds like communication could be better with your new boss. Remember that’s a two-way street and don’t be afraid to speak up. Maybe you can ask for a short one-on-one meeting? Just get everyone on the same page regarding what is expected of you, and - just as importantly - what you expect of them. The more you take ownership of your job, the more you’ll feel in control of your own destiny. Good luck!

SIL just told us about a horrible accident that happened Saturday morning near our old neighborhood in San Francisco. An SUV hit a family waiting at a bus stop. Mother, father, and toddler are dead, baby is in critical condition.

I know the area well and have stood at that very bus stop many times. They were on their way to the zoo, where I used to work. Heartbreaking. :cry:

We got rid of our bedframe several years ago, because our elderly cat was having trouble getting onto the bed. She’s long gone, but we still have the foundation sitting on the floor.

Ok. Boss texted me and said it didn’t come because it was small ( 40$) and corporate is trying to figure how to get it to me.
And I’m on for tues and weds. Meaning my next check, next friday will be about 130.
This is coming across unprofessional, I’ve gotten smaller checks.
I was officially hired 3 weeks ago. Now I’m to fill out an availability sheet, but during my interview I gave him my available days/hours.

Another gorgeous day here in South Sound area: sunny with a high in hte low 70s. It’s just to trick us, though, as it’s supposed to turn cold and rainy in a few days.

No funny overheard remarks are coming to mind, but maybe I’ll recall one later.

Hey, now. My mother will come back to haunt you. Lasagna kept her going until age 89. She considered it a health food.

hippie, another beautiful piece. I’m glad you’re able to sew again.

This sounds like a bigger reason for the delay than the amount.

Yeah, never rely on just telling a manager something like this. It should always be in writing. People forget, especially busy managers…

Well, he actually wrote it down. At least I can work tomorrow.

The move is done. My basement is a wreck. FCD is taking the truck back.

I had a message from the eye doc - they haven’t gotten my new lenses ordered yet. I was supposed to have them this week. Not happy about that, dammit. So as soon as he gets home, I’ll head to the eye doc office and take my old frames so they can order the correct shape lenses…

Always something…

The Google gave me numerous recipes for lasagna using rice instead of noodles, and others for chicken lasagna with noodles & white sauce. So maybe a couple of those recipes could be combined into something edible.

I once made meatloaf lasagna because the late Kopek asked if I could combine his two favorite foods. I put thin slices of leftover meatloaf between each layer of noodles, cheese, etc. It wasn’t bad.

07:30 dental examp this morning. Got up at five so I could have some coffee first.

I need two crowns, but one can wait. I’m scheduled to get the first one the 16th and the 30th of April. We’ll see on the other one. Conveniently, those are both Tuesdays; so no driving down to Burien for irk.

My 16-year-old (rear) molar implant is loose. It has been for a year or two now. The dentist says he could put on a new crown, but he’s worried that the stud itself is loose; ‘Like rebar when you [makes circling motion as if moving rebar in the ground].’ I need to go to the periodontist for a regular cleaning (I missed it in November because I had COVID), and the periodontist at the implant clinic will look at it. My dentist said that if the stud is OK, he can make a crown. If it’s loose, they might be able to fix it with a bone graft, but ‘That’s often not successful.’ So I may lose the implant. My dentist said chewing would not be affected much.

Tomorrow is tax day. I’m taking the whole day off.

that sounds like yummy as hell …as for me it’s the same crap different week mostly only difference is my favorite uncle is on the couch recuperating from a foot surgery only thing I don’t like is …he’s a drank the koolaid trumpet and is a warrior for trump on face book … how he’s not banned on there I don’t know …

That is going to be stunning when finished. I’m glad you are quilting again :slight_smile:

Ouch! I hope it is replaceable. I bought some split loom wire covers for all of our cords when GG was chewing. They give your home that special industrial touch!

Happy cake day!

We get something called Graupel out this way.

Maybe soak stacks of rice paper then let it dry into “noodles”

Yes, I would agree if I had been honest with you guys about my feelings all along. I haven’t been talking about how I hate living here. I want to move. I want to live somewhere green. I dream of water.

I’ve wanted to move since they built the first truck stop in the junction. They will be breaking ground on the third one next week. The morning air reeks of diesel and the light pollution keeps getting worse. Property crime is going up, they are handing Narcan inhalers out to grade-schoolers and we need to be closer to a hospital. And then there is the casual racism, maga flags all over, and measles down the street.

So, yeah, I’m totally up for moving one more time.

If we moved far enough up the mountain to see green out of the windows, I will have left my support system behind.

If we move to OR or WA, I will have left my support system behind and will know nobody. If we move to WV, I will have friendly and kind in-laws who will help me figure things out. Or at least they have always been kind and welcoming every other time we’ve spent time together.

How very sad :frowning:

I’m glad it is over, it’s been sounding pretty exhausting around Casa Chat for the last while.

I’m confused. She is unable to care for herself and is apparently not going to be around very much longer, from what you’ve said. I’m not understanding the logic behind getting her a pet that will probably outlive her by 10-15 years, that she will most likely not be able to provide care for while she is here. And of course, this assumes she WANTS a puppy to begin with.

A lasagna, like many foods, is basically a layered casserole. As everyone’s pointed out, the question isn’t whether you can put something in, it’s whether you should. And now I’m remembering the episode of Malcolm in the Middle where the bottom layer of that week’s “leftover casserole” was the previous week’s leftover casserole!

FCM, at least now you don’t have to go somewhere else to deal with all of MIL’s stuff - your basement may be a wreck, but it’s just downstairs! I have no good advice for how to deal with all that, though; when we needed to help my BIL clear his house out so he could rent it to a neighbor, we ended up putting all his crap in the basement and then clearing it after he died and we sold the house. And right now, we own an entire house full of stuff that Mr. L can’t face getting rid of. I’m going to have to plot with our daughters to get some of it taken care of before it all lands in their laps. Luckily, they don’t seem to have inherited the gene for impractical sentimentality from their dad’s side.

hippie, that’s a good-looking quilt! As with JtC’s needlework, I’m aware of the kind of skill and planning that go into it and I’m in awe!

Sticky_Buns, my daughter’s cat had occasional seizures over the course of a year, and no one was able to diagnose a cause. It didn’t seem to bother him, though, and he hasn’t (knock wood) had one for a very long time. I hope this is a one-off for your Annie!

Every now and then, I find myself wanting a puppy again. When that happens, Taters, I’ll come read some of your puppy adventures and resist.

Coppertone, the uncertainty of wildly varying schedules was one of the things I hated most about waitressing. I know there’s a lot of turnover and flakiness in for service jobs, but it seems like they could try a little harder to accommodate employees! With a little luck (and a lot of work), maybe you can get enough seniority to get steadier hours!

I got a check in the mail from John Hancock Insurance today, after my brother and I filled out forms a few weeks ago. Sure enough, it’s far from a life-changing amount, and we never did figure out where the policy came from. I’m thinking of just splitting it in half between my kids and telling them to consider it an inheritance from their grandma.

As for funny things, this is from Halloween, it’s second-hand, and I’ve probably recounted it before, but the kids in my daughter’s middle-school biology classroom were discussing costumes and a boy sneered, “Skeletons are for girls”. That phrase is a family favorite now.

Best of luck with that.

Which reminds me. Overnight Sat to Sun HL emailed me her pile of 1099s. Which I input from my hotel room looking at the ocean first thing on Sun morning then fired our completed joint tax return back to her for review and comment. Which will probably be pro forma.

As I’d expected, she (like me) had done nothing about paying estimated taxes on her portfolio income. So now we own the feds a larger chunk of change than I’d computed for my income alone. Nothing we can’t handle, but just one more bite at our collective rump.

When all is said and done this will have been an expensive year, what with two apartments, one set of new furniture for me, a tax surprise, and the divorce costs. Plus me ramping travel spending. Hope the stock market don’t crash. And the country holds together.

Jeez Louise, can’t the eye docs do anything right? How’d they go unordered for (IIRC) weeks?

Congrats on a done move, despite the collateral damage to the basement.

As to rice lasagna in general, the Asian folks certainly make rice-based noodles in umpteen shapes. I don’t know that they’re commonly made in wide sheets = lasagna format, but it’s not obvious they couldn’t be.

Graupel is the international standard term for what the US-centric NWS has historically called snow pellets. “GR” is the international weather code abbreviation for US snow pellets. In pilot mnemonics, that’s “granite rain” as in solidified small raindrops.

All the annoyance of snow with none of the pretty. I’m not a fan of GR. Although Sari’s GR are different and much more fun to read about.

A perfectly reasonable goal. I too was made happier when I left the arid environs of Las Vegas for bright green rolling river-filled St. Louis. Brown feels OK for awhile, but eventually you realize you’re living in a wasteland. Whose desolation attracts a lot of desolated people living desolated lives. And between the lines here in the MMP, you’ve expressed a lot of hate for the Junction and its changes while also expressing a lot of love for some few of the people.

If WV is the place that fills your squares, hooray for that. His sudden (to us) enthusiasm for that city being pushed by the Epoch Times was my big red flag. So cast a wider net than just that for places with the weather, climate, topography, and people you want to be around, then go there head held high. And with most of the now-obsolete crap at your present residence left behind, not brought along to be culled through “later”.

Many people consider North Carolina to be the relatively intelligent, educated, and liberal part of the southeast / Appalachia region. It’s been targeted for assault by ALEC precisely because it wasn’t as Southern Fried Redneck as the rest of the South. Besides, Doggio’s there.

If not NC specifically, then a college town is probably a much better choice than a factory town or a no-jobs-here town.

You can pretty well assume that’s going on in every struggling small town in America. Don’t assume that places that look like leafy Mayberry are actually like 1960s Mayberry. Hence my advice to find a college town, not a “the factory closed 10 years ago” town. Houses will be much cheaper in the latter, but for a darn good reason. You’ll pay dearly for that cheap real estate.

Best of luck. But be sure you’re steering hubs, not vice versa. With love for him and his needs, but also with a firm eye on your needs to.

I’m presently jetting my way back across probably Arizona or already into New Mexico. Got lucky and my row-mate and I are sharing an empty middle seat. Getting from the airport to home will be a bit of a PITA; either wait 2 hours for the last train and hit bed at midnight, or spend some bucks on a 50 mile Uber ride to be home 2+ hours sooner. And get a full night’s sleep before getting up kinda early tomorrow for a 7am fasting blood draw.

All told this trip was a bit less fun and a bit more costly than I’d have preferred. But worth it nevertheless. It’s been 2 years since I’d seen bro & SIL. I expect it’ll be longer until next time. They’re not getting easier to take, each in their own way. Their son, my blood nephew, used to live in Santa Monica, so close enough to visit them and has now relocated to Seattle. So me seeing him means a different trip to a different city.

Which reminds me that I have to get all of that stuff out.

Thank goodness for the interwebz! Police blotters and crime states are much easier to find nowadays. Back when we were first moving to AZ we had to subscribe to an actual newspaper and have it mailed to us weekly.

I’m blaming the property crime on the truck stops, thank you very much!!!

It didn’t use to be like this. The Lakes was a sleepy little bump on the road until they built that big interchange and the first truck stop moved in. But seeing as how I can’t stop progress and bitching about it hardly ever helps, it’s time to go.

Exactly. I’m tired of it.

I waved when you flew over. You probably couldn’t see me because of the clouds so :wave:

[quote=“SuntanLotion, post:26, topic:998974, full:true”]
Well, he actually wrote it down. At least I can work tomorrow.
[/quote] Yay!!!

Sounds… Interesting. I remember Kopek. Met him once at a Dopefest in Cleveland! Somewhere I have a picture of me, him, and another doper.

If you’re not too far in, you’ll be near use here in Ohio! :blush:

It sounds kind of like that. He basically said to just keep an eye on her and document any other seizures. At her age, seizures are potentially worse than they would be at a younger age, but it’s too soon to think that it’s something really terrible (cancer). We’ll just hope for the best and keep her as safe and as comfortable as we can for as long as we can. Might I also put in a plug for doggie wellness plans, thank goodness for it because today’s visit was free and she’d been in for a 6 month checkup about a month ago and had (covered in the plan) bloodwork done and everything was fine then. I always cry when I leave the damn vet, though. It reminds me of the Buster and how I wish I had known better when he was younger and could have taken better care of him - especially his teeth. Yes, Taters, I’m not surprised you remember him. He was and is one of the great loves of my life. :purple_heart:

Heh. Truck stops have gotten more interesting over the years. Although I feel like the actual number of ‘lot lizards’ has been reduced. Thank goodness MusicMan isn’t out there driving anymore!

Tonight in an hour or so I’m going to be participating in a zoom event featuring a discussion about the kitchens/cooking styles of the First Ladies of the US. I hope it’s good! Too bad no samples, though. lol

Well, the tenant downstairs from me moved out. She was very quiet except for the snoring. New people have moved in. It sounds like a single mom with two very loud kids who sound like they’re 10-12 years old. They yell all the time, and the door SLAMS whenever they go in or out. I’ve cared for kids, my own and other people’s, for most of my adult life and have been told I’m very patient. These kids and their mom–also a yeller–are driving me nuts.

I’m surprised they rented that apartment so fast. Unlike my place, it has zero carpet, just linoleum floors. This means noise is amplified. I’m also surprised about the kids. There are very few kids in the complex, as there’s no playground and no place outdoors where they can play.

I forgot to mention the latest corporate overlandlord insanity. This place has always allowed dogs and cats as long as owners pay extra rent and pick up the poop. Now we’re told that dogs aren’t allowed to poop or pee anywhere within the complex and are not allowed on the lawns. There are little “No dogs on grass” signs all over the place. If only dogs could read. :roll_eyes: I have to go into the office in a bit and will inquire.This is the stupidest rule yet.

sticky buns, I hope Annie is OK. Those are some adorable pups!

As I used to say when I lived in the remote and arid reaches of northern Montana, “It doesn’t want us here.”

Nettie - apparently it was Daughter’s brainstorm to get a puppy for Grandma, and after she dies, Daughter would take it. Still a big nope. I think part if it was FCD yanking my chain, but the two of them are why there’s a pug hogging my footrest. Still no.

As for my glasses fiasco, the office is blaming the lab. I don’t know - I just want my glasses.

MIL is finally seeing the dermatologist tomorrow. While they’re gone, I will attempt to put some order in the basement. Then when they get home, I’ll help MIL go thru the last of the boxes. In fact, I think I will presort to minimize the decisions she has to make. No reason for her to sort cleaning products.

Daughter will clean the apartment before the walk-thru. MIL will pay them for the move and the cleaning. They need the $$ and nothing was so big that they couldn’t handle it. Wins all around.

Time for chillage.

Was that held at the home of a man who was in a wheelchair (whose name I don’t remember)? I remember going with him to such an event, long before I joined the board.