Simple thing you finally figured out that made you feel stupid

Dirty Deeds done to sheep!!

I had a moment like that today. On Long Island there’s a small shopping center called the Country Glen Center. I’ve been there many many times and never gave any thought to its name. Mom and I were in the car and as we passed it, it suddenly dawned on me where the name comes from. The center is at the intersection of Old **Country **Road and **Glen **Cove Road. :smack:

I thought that the Florida panhandle was the big penis looking part. Until the people of this very board laughed and laughed at me.

Just realized today that the dog and cat in “Get Fuzzy”? Satchel and Bucky? Satchel Paige and Bucky (F’ing!) Dent. Not a smart girl, here.

Okay, I think you win this round.

And I never knew that about the Ghost in the Machine cover either. Cool,

I had no idea that “elbow grease” meant ‘work’ until someone on these boards told a hilarious story about someone else who didn’t realize that. sigh

[boney m]Rah, rah, rescue team, lover of the Russian queen![/boney m]


I used to think it was “Dirty deeds and the Dunder Chief”. In my mind, it seemed to fit in just fine with all the fantasy imagery used in Led Zeppelin songs.

Also, I used to think that the three-toed sloth had three toes TOTAL. No, I don’t know either. I used to think I was SMART, too, but I’ve managed to get past that little assumption.

I have lived in this house for 26 months. It took 24 of those months for me to discover that the ceiling fan in the master bedroom has more than one speed. :smack:

Holy crap: not only is the alliteration good, the meter is great, too (especially “manlier men for miles around”)! Well done! :slight_smile: ::applause::


Oh, baseball, nevermind. :smack:

Oh here’s a good one! I have felt stupid for years because of this…

I dated a guy in college named Chris. But a lot of people called him “Topher.” I couldn’t figure out why, so one day I asked him. He said, with a laugh, “it’s because I like tofu!” And I was like, ohhhh-kaaay?! :dubious:

It wasn’t until years later that I figured it out; it hit me like a ton of bricks…


DUH! :smack: :smack: :smack:

I didn’t know what reversing lights were until I had had my licence for over a year. I didn’t feel so bad when I had to tell my SO what they were!

We have a fast food chain here called Whataburger.

For years I thought it was just a weird, made-up word that sounded like “Waterburger”

Imagine my surprise. :smack:

Right after college I had a job as an announcer at an FM station playing jazz music and such things. Having never heard or seen the word “segue” before, I introduced Seque In C (by the Basie or Ellington band IIRC) as if it it were Seeg and went happily on my way.

It was years later and in a situation I can’t recall specifics about, when I heard someone say Seg-Way and it suddenly dawned on me what I had done before.

Imagine blushing with embarrassment years after the fact!

I never could understand why freight trains dragged all those extra engines around. I commented on this, even disparaging the train companies for their lack of commitment to energy conservations, to my fiancee one day while waiting at a crossing.

The man laughed so hard that he’s lucky I married him afterall…

I get it now.

I never connected the English word ‘exodus’ with the name of the Old Testament book. Exodus–leaving Egypt–get it? Duh! :smack:

Topher Grace was on some show recently and the host (Letterman? Leno?) asked him about his name and he said it was short for Christopher. I’d always wondered what the heck kind of name Topher was.

I remember when I first heard about the President giving the “State of the Union” address. I thought that was kind of odd, I mean there’s fifty states in the union. I wondered whether the governors gave “city of the state” adresses, etc.

One day, years later, I realized that State of the Union referred to the other kind of state, and thus State of the State addresses and even State of the City addresses make sense.

I still don’t get “Louisiana: The State We’re In”. Could someone explain?