Things that make you go :SMACK:!

This morning: vigorously brushing my teeth for the full six minutes. Rinsing, flossing and mouth-washing… before noticing, on closer inspection, that this isn’t my toothbrush. It’s my father’s.


Last night: drinking at the pub and running into a man I used to go to high school with. Chatting tipsily for a good half hour about the ol’ days.

Saying, “Seeya Johnno! We’ll gotta catch up properly some time soon!”

Him (deadpan): “My name’s Andrew.”


Last month: packing up our gear after an overnight camping trip. Spending over an hour carefully rolling and compressing the tent so it fits in the stupidly small bag. Lugging everything to the car, before realising the keys are in the teensy-weeny pocket for valuables… inside the tent.

Yes, this is just a thinly-disguised excuse to use our brand-spanking-new smiley! Weee!

Locking myself out of home/car: :smack: :smack:
But haven’t done that for a while! :slight_smile:

:eek: BTW: I do not live in a car! [thankfully]

What makes me go SMACK?

People who voted for :smack: instead of :smashie: :frowning:

I know the code is colon smack colon and the creature has smack as its name in the alt text, but here are the questions in the life of smack.

Is it a he a she or an it?
Is it rude to refer to a unknown sex an it?
In the alt text, it is smack (no capital), so it’s an improper noun and not a proper noun, does that make it a thing rather than a person?
Why do people refer to it (him/her) like a person?

Yes, I have too much time on my hands this evening.:smack:

Having my 2 girlfriends catch me with my 3rd one

:smack: :smack: :smack:

One from each of em

It was after the birth of my first son and I was goofy from lack of sleep. My mother-in-law was visiting and taking one of our two parking spaces (Z). Since she had one parking space, my commuting car was parked beside her (X) and our other car was parked perpindicular behind the first two (Y). Like this

…YY (Apt over here)

(pretend X, Y, & Z’s are all individual cars…)

Anyway, I came stumbling out of the apertment, walked around the “Y” car, got in the “X” car and promptly backed into “Y”. Dented the heck out of the door frame.

doh! :smack:

(pretend the little dots are asphalt and not just a cheap way to get the spacing on the diagram right)

There was a time when I looked out my window before going to work and I thought that my car was stolen in the night. I was about to call the police when it dawned on me that I had moved my car out to the street the night before so that a friend could park his truck in my driveway to do some work on my house. I forgot to move my car back in after he left.



Getting the answer to the quizzes after I turn them in…


Realizing I forgot, yet again, to pay my 2 month old long distance phone bill


Notice someone was flirting with me a bit too late


Changing languages in the middle of a conversation…to one the other speaker does not understand…


Mounting slides, then forgetting to number them…


Move slides before they dry…


Very bad puns :smack:

And I say it’s Smack if it’s a he, and Smackie if it’s a she. Or the other way around? Waddaya think?

Good to have you around, Smackie-chan.


“The Smack-meister”

Spending SEVERAL MONTHS unable to post on this board for a reason I can’t comprehend which left me unable to stay logged in for more than a SECOND :smack:

ACTUALLY having to make a new email address, using it to make a new profile, and discovering that THE PROBLEM IS STILL THERE :smack:

FINALLY, after creating a THIRD email, and a name i like, getting it to work and discoering the wonders of :smack:… :smack:!

:smack: :smack: :smack:
Okay, I’m posting this to make you all feel MUCH better about your mistakes.

Just after high school I was working for a friend of my father’s in a liquor store. Being the low man on the totem pole, I had to drive deliveries for people who phoned in.

One day I drove downtown, reached a locked apartment complex. I pushed the buzzer for the appropriate person, the buzzer went off, and I opened the door. Suddenly, a guy I hadn’t noticed pushed his way through the door after me, clearly having been waiting for someone to open the door for him.

I didn’t react, but thought this over carefully. Finally realized I had to phone the police. No alternative. So I called it in. I found out they called out dozens of officers, and turned the place upside-down.

Unfortunately, I’d named the wrong apartment complex.

On Monday, I had to hand in a major assignment (7000-odd words, worth the whole semester’s assessment for the unit). I stayed up til 5am finishing it, then slept a few hours, then got up and went to my Dad’s office to laser print it and then to OfficeWorks to have it bound before taking it down to uni. OfficeWorks has an underground carpark with very narrow spots, and lots of those horrible big concrete pillars that they have in underground carparks. I don’t function very well when I’m sleep-deprived. As I was reversing out of the carpark I forgot that there was one of those big concrete pillars on my left-hand-side (remember that’s the passenger side for us Aussies) and…

Quite literally :frowning:

I’m confused… why did you call the police?

It was a locked building, and the guy was trying to get inside without a key. If he’d had a legitimate reason, one figures he could have rung somebody up, and asked to be buzzed through.

Well, there was the time I read the words “dry red wine” and wondered out loud in front of witnesses where one would purchase powdered wine… :smack:

Or the time I tried to catch a falling cup with my right elbow, because my right hand was holding a pot of boiling water, which spilled all the way up my arm… :smack:

Or the time I plucked the fallen mixer cord out of the bowl of cake batter and licked it without thinking about the other end still being plugged in to the outlet… :smack:

Cleaning the toaster and thinking I might just stick it in the sink to soak for a while and then the breadcrumbs will be easier to clean out - while it was plugged in

Vacuum sealing my fry pan shut (still can’t work out how)

Frequently setting the microwave on fire (am now banned from using it except under supervision)

To all of the above :smack: :smack: :smack:

Getting up at 5:30 in the morning, before my little brother; taking out the garbage and then realizing I’ve locked myself in.


My friend T. whenever he logs on (long story…be assured it is worthy of a smack)


Being asked by a teacher to take a textbook to another teacher and taking it to the wrong one with a similar name.
