Taking a break from the board

Noooooooo :frowning: You get short with all the right people so I don’t have to bother doing it.

Good luck. Come back soon.

So, by “nature preserve” you mean a balcony, and by “animals,” you mean some pigeons?

Take care, hurry and finish the book.
When come back bring pie.

We are well acquainted with the power you wield with a single keystroke.

God help you editor. :smiley:

Best of luck with the project, and return with a publication date !!

When come back, bring Pad Thai.

Well, there goes my mode crush. :frowning: Take care of yourself, Marley, your future bride and your book. And thanks for all the fish.

When come back, post link to published book :stuck_out_tongue:

No - thank you. Seriously, being a mod requires patience, thoughtfulness and lots of know-how - and you have done a great, great job IMHO.

Thank you and tons of luck with your novel - hope to have you back soon!



Good luck, Marley! When you’ve got the thing finished, you can let us all know by banning everyone again; that’s an announcement strategy that everyone will notice!

No, no, no. “It was a dark and stormy night …”

Good luck. I’ve been … er, working … on my book about slacking for years and years.

I can’t help but think it involves some kind of sex tourism.

Greenwich Village, hotbed of sex tourism since Bob Dylan first played there !


Good luck Marley.

The cat’s away! Let’s have a effing party!

Good luck, Marley!

The board will not be the same without you Marley. Please don’t stay away too long.

Best of luck with the novel. I’m confident it will be great.

Best of luck, I’ve greatly enjoyed your sober presence when things started to get stupid. The goat will be on standby until you return, waiting…

Good luck, Marley! We’ll (most of us…) be here when you get back!

IOW, finishing his book is READING it. As tho he were slow or something. A joke, more or less.


Progenitor of all Humanoid lifeforms

Good luck with your book and as others have said return with a purchase link to it please!
Don’t forget us while you’re gone!