I think I need a break.

Perhaps from the Pit.

Perhaps from the board in general.

Lately I’ve seen lots of really, really mean stuff, and it’s really bothering me. It makes me sad.

There’s a pit thread going on about a particular poster and people are just slaming him left, right and centre.

There’s been a real decline in the amount of tolerance I’ve seen around these parts.

Usually, MPSIMS is better, but even here, recently a poster was attacked after asking for help and support for a difficult decision they had made.

People just really seem to be acting mean.

I’m really tired.

Well, take some time off and enjoy some life off the boards. I have done that many times and I think the general mood here is getting a little strained. Maybe in a couple of weeks things will have calmed down. I have focused on some fun threads today which has made my SDMB experience much more enjoyable. Even some of the really stupid and silly stuff like the chat room translater. hehe

Nothing wrong with rejuvenating youself by taking some time off.

< hugs >

You beat me by ten minutes, Alice. My thread’s right above yours. I hope I didn’t do wrong by naming the poster in question.

I was thinking the same thing about the same thread. I can’t believe how mean spirited some of the posts in there are.

Can I ask what thread you all are talking about? Just curious. I visit another board and the trolls have been abounding the last 2 weeks. It is depressing, but I try and not let it get to me or run me off from something that I like to do. Please stay. Don’t let anyone run you off just because of there bad ways.

Does SDMB go in cycles? I’ve seen it happen at other boards but I haven’t participated here long enough to know.

Alice, on the wall near my computer is a reproduction of the famous painting of another Alice watching the White Rabbit Disappear down the hole. Maybe the story is a good analogy for what happens here. Mayhem.

If you choose to take a break, I can understand. But you and your insights will certainly be missed until your return.

Mean-spiritedness does not fight ignorance very well, does it?

Yes. Yes it does.

This board runs in cycles of civility just like real life.

Frankly, I just stay away when the tone begins to get overwhelmingly negative and I can’t seem to find “light” threads.

I’m not one to completely avoid a frank and serious discussion - but that’s what I’d like it to be, not a bash-fest.