Taking a break from here

I can’t handle the lame crap that people whine over, specially when I am trying my best to help the board heal from a frightful event that shook so many.

So I am taking some time off of here for a while. I may be in chat but this has set me off where I can’t handle being over here without feeling like I have done something wrong.

I love you all that appreciate what I did to help with Wally’s memory.

So, I will be available via email and will post the Vegas shirts as soon as I get them done.

< tears >

God damn it I don’t need this shit right now!


I posted this to you in the Pit thread, but I’ll repeat it here.

Would Wally want you to let these putzfuckers win?

Would he let them win?

I don’t think so.

(Addendum to original)

Do take some time away if that’s what you need to help you through this grieving process.

What? :confused:

I just asked Lynn to lock that thread so you don’t have to put up with any more abuse, techie. She said she would take care of it, no problem.

I wish the maggots would stay inside the woodwork where they belong.


Shayna I really must commend you on your performance in that thread. Wally would be be proud. :wink:

Techie, sounds like you could use a break, but hope you’ll be back soon.

What is causing this feeling, Liz? Am I missing something :confused:

techchick…please don’t stay away too long.

Oh sweetheart, you did a great thing by that banner. You know it’s not buggin anyone’s puter out. Blow the sockies off, and take some time off to relax.

You still kick ass, and I hope you won’t be away terribly long.

I hope to see you in chat :slight_smile:


Oh, I just saw that pit thread.

Don’t let it get to ya, ok. You went outta your way to do something nice. There’s always gonna be some asshole to buck the status quo–which is you did a great job. Ignore him/her. Turn that frown upside down. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone, I am trying hard to get my ass to bed but I am upset and feeling like I could pull all of my hair out of my head. I didn’t want to post but felt I should. I can’t sleep for shit right now!

Thank you GaWd but I don’t feel like that anymore…all I feel is that I fucked up with it and well that’s how I feel right now. I still feel as though I did something wrong.

Most of you know I have been on edge lately, and this whole episode just makes me feel like shit. I can’t help it, I still feel like I did something wrong. Like what I did was wrong, even if it wasn’t I can’t explain it.

I know Wally would would have given choice words to get rid of the negatives, but I am Liz not Wally. I am me who doesn’t usually get upset over things but given so many of the things that are going through my brain, this is what is up…

I have to be away for a while. I have taken it out of my favorites and am about to take out my IRC client…

I have to do this…if I am this upset over a thing like this then I need a break. It’s that simple.

Rest up, kiddo; take all the time you need, but just make sure you come back, okay?

I feel badly because maybe some poorly chosen words of mine inadvertantly set off part of the reaction. My reference to post count was an effort to point out that the only way we have to know one another is by what we say here. Familiarity is the only way to read between the words; quirks of style, “that’s where X is really coming from”, etc.

The point is that you’d expressed a lot of overwork, stress and upset even before Wally died. You were already working on a project, gratis, for the Dopers, and then the grief hit on top of it. I’m trying to give most of the banner critics some slack; not for their behavior, but for not realizing the context their criticisms fell into. (Handy is the exception. It cuts both ways: he’s a reg and has no excuse.)

Anyway, you are much valued here, techchick. But take care of yourself first. Everybody needs downtime once in a while. Let those frayed nerve ends heal up a bit, but keep in mind how highly we think of you while you’re resting.

All the best to you,

Sorry Liz. You’ll be sorely missed around here and in chat. Please don’t cut us off of Email, ok? I want to keep in touch :slight_smile:


Oh Techchick,

I am so sorry that some people are such jerks. Just remember that 99.9999999 % of us have no problem with the banner, in fact we love it. As for the rest, fornicate em. (is that acceptable in MPSIMS ?)

Techie, if you need a break, take it, but come back to us soon , we’ll miss you.

I’ll miss ya, but if this is what you feel you need to do, go on and do it. Take care of yourself, you seem to be one of those caring people who take care of everyone else first. Thank you again for being such a valuable member of our board.


I’m sorry that some assholes did this to you. you break yourneck producing a beautiful memorial, and it seems like a couple of oozing pustules just can’t help pissing in your Cheerios.

Jealous bastards.

You’re right: If this is making you stress this much, you need a break from this place. Go to some other sites, get out of the house, breathe some fresh air, go party.

And come back soon, m’kay?

Finally going to sleep…night all, and well, see you in the future.

Please come back soon.


Thank you for your time and trouble please return soon.

I appreciate the memorial to Wally and think that it has given the board a more humanitarian face.

To me it shows that there are real people out there with real stories , this is in my opinion ‘a good thing’


I think you did a beautiful job with the banner. Amy thought it was wonderful and it is a nice reminder of someone so special to you. I am sorry that people are being such jerks. Please see that you are better than that. I am sure Wally thinks so.

Don’t stay away too long.

I will make it a point to take a day off from work and treat techie to a fine lunch. We’ll talk. She’ll be back in no time, she loves this place.