So, in this now-defunct thread, techchick has once more made it perfectly clear that she, too is a moderator. However, <cringe> she is not pleased that I suggested that she lectures too much, as I received an email this morning from some AOLoser that rambled on for a few sentences and then ended in the characteristic "…fuck it"® of the ever-annoying techchick.
As a person with an ego that can withstand the flames, I’ve decided to simply respond to her here. So, I’d like to invite all you techchick haters and supporters to some on out in give her the attention she demands from the SDMB.
Your donation can be large or small; aimed at me or her- I don’t care. Either way, it’s bound to be amusing.
I can only assume this is techchick. I mostly lurk, but I’m on the board every day. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen you on a thread where you weren’t an obnoxious little miss-know-it-all shit. I’ve seen that you get most of your world view from your rich daddy and that you probably got your work ethic there too.
Nobody (at least me, and in terms of this message board, I AM nobody) gives a fuck what message boards you have or currently moderate. The mods seem to do a good job on their own and probably don’t need you to be the first one in to tell everyone what they should be doing. In short, you suck.
Now, I don’t get involved with flame wars for several reasons: 1. The boards are usually too slow to jump in and start a fight with someone who I don’t know and don’t much care about,’s not the reason I come to the SMDB, and 3. generally, its sad to see how worked up people get over a message board- it’s like a soap opera.
But in your case, I’ve made my first, and probably only exception. You’re a rich little fucker with no sense of reality, at least your OWN sense. You certainly strike me as the sort who was the classroom monitor when teacher was out of the room- a job I’m sure you relished; the likes of which you probably haven’t been able to find in adulthood- Oh! I’m sorry! You HAVE found a job like this! You’re a MODERATOR. OOOHhhhhh!
And I like your style of confrontation- blather out a few sentences and then “…fuck it…” . Oh, poor, misunderstood techie.
Here are two unsolicited ideas for you:
1. Shut up
2. Take another break from the boards, but not before you sing a sad song about how misunderstood you are. I need the laugh.
Every time I see your handle on a post, my stomach gets that cringie feeling that you get when someone is embarassing themselves and doesn’t even know it.
And remember, when you post to a message board, for every poster you interact with, there could be 1000’s more that simply lurk. So don’t be too confused over why someone doesn’t like you even though you haven’t interacted with them. YOU’RE the one with your thoughts out on display, not me. So of course I could have formed an opinion about you- without you’re even knowing it. Spooky? No. Just common sense.