Violent bunny question

Just pick up a Holy Hand grenade of Antioch from ebay, dont forget to buy the book of arnaments for instructions on using it.

Youtube probably has a self help video on deploying the device.


The vet told us that adolescent bunnies are full of hormones and can get quite mean. Teenagers! Our unfortunately-named Mr. Bunbun got quite aggressive for awhile and would attack our ankles (it hurt!), but he settled right down after being neutered.

My mother’s unfixed bunnies frequently had the run of the backyard. They were afraid of nothing (not people, cats, dogs, or birds). They would stamp their feet in warning if something was bothering them, and that signal was ignored at your own peril! Mom’s other pets learned quick! So unless your bunny starts coming after you, I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s nature in action.

In Russia, squirrels eat dogs !

my little cute and fluffy 995g fuzzball dwarf rabbit REGULARLY beats the everliving crap out of my 6.5kg “kitten”.
He goes from cute flopsy mopsy to snarling ball of bitey teeth fury in milliseconds.

Bunnies aren’t just cute like everybody supposes. They got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses. And what’s with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?

[Elmer Fudd voice]Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit[/Elmer Fudd voice]

Run, Gromit! It’s the Were-Rabbit!


It could be even worse, though.

You do realize that all the books in the Bunnicula series are based on true stories, don’t you?

::whimpers and hugs her carrot close::

A pair of very violent bunnies:

If you read about pet rabbits you can find such behaviour describes, especially toward pet cats. They will head butt a cat. Perhaps the rabbit you saw was an escaped pet?

Most of the rabbits around here are Jack rabbits and this definitely was not. In addition, many of the kids in the area are in 4H and FFA and do indeed show animals and rabbits are one of the animals shown. So it is a possibility. But there didn’t seem to be anything showy about this animal, but in truth, all I know about bunnys I’ve learned on Loony Toons (or was it Merry Melodies?).

The alpha buck rabbit can often get quite violent and territorial. Rabies is unlikely.

Some animals, like people, are just jerks.

If you could run like a rabbit does, wouldn’t you try all sorts of stuff?

“I bet I can run fast enough to tag that bird before he takes off.”

I feel better now. I’ve always been mortified whenever anyone learned of my fear of rabbits. they just scare the living crap outta me. One of the kids on my block had a pet devilbunny when I was little. Eek! That thing had some teeth, and he knew what he wanted for dinner!

Just FTR, I suspect that report was exaggerated, especially considering its origin in “a village in the far east” of Russia.

FWIW, there are three different types of lawn-geared critters in the U.S. One is the hare - despite its name, a Jackrabbit is actually a hare.

The other is the Cottontail, which makes up the rest of the native population. There are Eastern, New England, Appalachian, Mountain, Brush Rabbit, Marsh Rabbit and Swamp Rabbit (the last one is the type that attacked President Carter).

The third is the European Rabbit, which is the domesticated rabbit and not native to the Americas. It is a common misconception that a pet rabbit “set free” will assimilate into the wile population; they are different species.

Another common misconception (this keeps seeming like a really bad pun in context :smiley: ) is that rabbits have menstrual/hormone cycles. Rabbits are “induced ovulators,” meaning that the act of copulation causes an egg to be released.

That said, rabbits going through puberty are like teenagers of any species - aggressive, territorial and moody. If this is a domestic rabbit you own, spaying/neutering is your best option.

Wild hares and cottontails are very territorial by nature. Don’t assume rabies; it’s more likely a rabbit’s way of saying “Get the hell off my lawn!” If it’s a mama-bun with babies, she can be VERY aggressive protecting her little ones - please just leave her alone.

Hope this helps.