Why is Jimmy Buffett SO successful?

Me, for one. I get real upset if I’ve paid for the buffet and don’t get to eat it.

I’ve also been buffeted at a Buffett concert. But I’ve never been buffeted at a buffet for some reason.

Because people feel they can get drunk to his performance. People love booze, and when they hear Buffett it gives them a chance to get loaded and say “Hey I’m just having fun.”


It’s escapism. Most of the points have been made already, but there are lots of people who want to be on the beach when they can’t be, and his music makes you feel like you’re there. I think he writes some great songs with clever lyrics, many of which are less known than his bigger hits. Floridays is one of my favorite CDs.

Well, that explains the shirts!!

It must be cool to slam something other people like. You don’t like Buffett, therefore he must suck, and by extension, so does his audience. You know…kinda like comic book guy. :wink:

Buffett has found a niche. And without catering to the music industry he’s leveraged that niche into quite the empire. I can’t say anything about his blender (my goal used to be to buy a cheap blender, and wear it out before the end of the summer), but Margaritaville mix is great, and his restaurant on the Vegas Strip is a required visit every time I’m there. Their top shelf Marg and the cheeseburger in paradise taste better there than they have any right to.

Is he my favorite musician? Nope. But there are times where the only thing that’ll scratch that certain itch is Buffett.

We used to go to his concerts here in Denver, we’d get general seating on the lawn. I’d be amazed that we’d show up 90 minutes before tickets were on sale, be sixth in line, and 12 people in line would get tickets before they sold out. Took, like, 15 minutes.

The last concert we vowed that the next one we’d get normal seating as we’d get crushed and stood on just as soon as the concert started.

Still. I like his stuff, don’t blame him for his successes, and think the world’s better for him being here.

I saw him around 1987 and the place was 1/2 full ( ~10k people) , that was before he hit it big. Not long after that he would come to town and sell out 3 nights - 60,000 tickets. I always wonder what changed for him in that time span.

Have you ever stopped by for breakfast? Their French Quarter omelet is my favorite way to start the day. A 3 egg omelet made with andouille sausage and topped with a jambalaya sauce that has just the right amount of snap. One of those with a cup of coffee and a Bloody Mary and I’m ready to face another day in Paradise.

My Timeshare in Key West used to be his home when he lived there. I have been to Parrothead Fests . They shut down Duvall Street and erect a stage. From noon on there are singers doing mostly his songs. The Parotheads have a great time singing and drinking. With some regularity , he shows up and sings a set or two. It is harmless fun . There is no reason to be mean to him or his fans.

No, but I know what I’ll be doing on my next trip. :wink:

Jimmy Buffett has written a lot of very good songs over the years that non-Buffett fans have probably never heard of. For example:

  • Pencil Thin Mustache
  • The Wino and I Know
  • Boat Drinks
  • Tampico Trauma
  • Incommunicado
  • If the Phone Doesn’t Ring, Its Me
  • A Pirate Looks at Forty
  • Changes in Latitude, Changes in Attitude
  • The Great Filling Station Holdup

etc, etc, etc.

I’d rather listen to "Peanut Butter Conspiracy " than “Maragaritaville” any day.

“A Pirate Looks At Forty” should be required listening for anyone “of an age.” :smiley:

I thought it was. :slight_smile:

I’ve heard it called Gulf + Western.

His fans started making money and could afford the tickets.

I’m a long-time Parrothead, although I’ve never been to one of his concerts. His Sirius station is the default in my car, and my music collection is about 20% Buffett.

My wife doesn’t like it much, but she puts up with it. I think Jimmy is just one of those singers you either love or hate.

He’s got some great songs (most especially some of his lesser-known ones, my favorite being the Ballad of Spider John). Listening to his music always makes me want a vacation - to me, it’s a great temporary escape from work and the everyday hassles of life. And if a musician can do that (instead of booze or what have you), I think that’s a sign of a pretty successful musician, regardless of the type of stuff they’re singing/playing. If the goal of music is to make you feel something, and it is, then Jimmy, to me, hits all the right notes.

I’ve always said that if I ever opened a bar, it would be called “Spider John’s.”

Margaritaville doesn’t make my top 100 Buffett songs. And Silenus? Awesome bar name!

Other great Buffett tunes:

Desperation Samba
They Don’t Dance Like Carmen No More
Ballad of Spider John (thanks silenus!)
He Went to Paris
Tin Cup Chalice
Knees of my Heart
Nautical Wheelers
The Captain and the Kid (sooooo sad)
One Particular Harbor