RIP Jimmy Buffett

Will have a frozen Margarita this evening in his honor.

Hope he enjoys that cheeseburger…

There’s a woman to blame.

No more trips around the sun.

Besides enjoying a lot of his music (of his many releases, Floridays is an under-appreciated gem) his book of short stories, Tales from Margaritaville, inspired me, at 23, to take a 6-week solo road trip across the country. Thanks for the words and music. R.I.P.

I’ve been listening to him since '78. I enjoyed his music. The party goes on.

I’m not usually upset by celebrity deaths. This one hurts.

Smooth sailing, Jimmy.

He died as he lived: in 3/4 time.

Fixed typo in title.

Fair winds, calm seas, Jimmy. His music was always a kind of guilty pleasure for me, but never fails to cheer me up and make me smile.

I finally got to see him a few years back after listening to him for decades. He didn’t disappoint. Fair winds.

Just saw the "Escape to Margaritaville " show a month ago. Salt, salt, salt

Many years ago I danced with Jimmy Buffet at Carnival in Grande Case, a town in Saint Martin. We were both very drunk and very happy. He was living on Anguilla (the eel) an island a ferry ride away.

He was a cool guy. He really loved the lifestyle his music promoted. RIP dude.

Cool kayaker. My SIL got a hug from him backstage for her 40th birthday. My BIL arranged the meeting.

Cause of death- wasting away?

Too soon? Though Jimmy would likely chuckle.

Stepped on a pop top.

He got nothin’ a-more to say. :volcano:

He died yesterday. Yesterday afternoon we were sitting outside of a Mexican restaurant, drinking margaritas with our meal.

Hope he finds his shaker of salt. RIP Jimmy.