Buffy Help Needed

Hi everyone,
I haven’t been posting as much lately because I’ve gone back to school and no longer have the opportunity to spend all day on the computer, but I still read as often as I can and I miss you guys. My reason for posting today is, I did a terrible thing on Tuesday night… I forgot to tape Buffy and nobody I know has it. Does anybody still have Tuesday’s episode on tape? Can someone please, please, send it to me. I will pay for postage, replacing the tape, any other costs or charges that may be incurred as well as forever be indebted to the kind soul who can provide me a Buffy fix. I know I can read the thread and know everything that happened but it’s not the same as watching.

Thank you for your time.


I’ll return the tape. I’ll be extra careful. Doesn’t anyone have it? If anyone in South Florida has it, but it’s too precious to part with, we could watch it together. I’ll bring dessert. What do you say? Help a fellow Doper Buffy fan and get dessert out of the deal.

Did I say pretty please with sugar on top?

I’ve got it, on the same tape as this week’s Angel. I’ll send you some mail in a minute and we can trade snail-mail addresses privately.

Bless you. Oh, I’m so happy I could pee! YEAH :slight_smile:

Incontinent joy. That is so much better than the verbal diarreah we are used to on this board.
